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New Pedal Trademarks: ANTI and ANTI 1992

cheerful hamster

Amp sims?



Active Member
Well a Marshall 1992 model would be a 100W Super Bass, but that is already in the LION. Amps launched around that time could be Rectifier or 5150, but both were more like 90/91.I have no idea, someone ringing any bells on ANTI as an abbreviation or word play?

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
Ampeg MTI


Venerated Member
bass amp in a pedal! cool!


Hall of Fame Member
Guess I’ll wait on that sansamp:)

Joe Porto

Hall of Fame Member
1992 was the year Nirvana charted and ushered in the grunge era. Also the year the Dual Rectifier rev. C was released, which was the first mass production model.


Venerated Member
Anti tank?
UAD Bundle Month