New Project


Hi. I posted some songs by a band called Jerryville here a couple of months ago. I`ve since (among to many other things) been working on a kind of solo-project and i recently finished a demo of three of the songs and thought i might post them as well. If somebody`s interested they`re available here:
It`s a lot softer than the stuff i previously posted. Some kind of pop i guess. \"I´m On My Way\" is the song that i`m most happy with.
It`s been tracked in ProTools and Nuendo and mixed in Nuendo with UAD-1 and Powercore and some PSP stuff

For those of you who don`t understand Norwegian i should mention that in order to stream the song you click on the button (speaker icon) underneath the word \"Lytt\". If you want to download you just click the link with the song title.

This is a completely new production style to me. I feel very humble and i`m happy for any comment you might have

Best Regards: Håkan


Active Member
Nice and Warm... :)

What Mic Pre's did you use?


Thanks for your reply. It`s mainly a Drawmer 1960. For drums i used it on the main Snare and Kick microphones with toms through a TL Audio classic EQ/pre and the rest through a TL Audio 5001. All other instruments went through the Drawmer. The vocals was tracked with a Groove Tubes MD1 through a FMR Audio really nice preamp which i think gave the vocals warmth without losing transients.



Active Member
That wuld explain it. :)

I Cut my teeth on a 1960 back in the Early to mid 90's

And of Course TL Audio keeps it all warm too :)

Great sound to tape :) (I mean Hard Disk. LOL)
UAD Bundle Month