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New UAD Plugin and V4.1 in AES Daily VIP Preview,


Active Member
\"V4.1 and \"The Precision Mastering Multi-Band\" to complete the Mastering series. 5 independent bands of dynamic range control, compressor, expander, and gate. Minimum phase or linear phase coherent modes, Linlwitz-Riley filters @ 96kHz.\" Universal Audio booth 206.

Found in the AES Daily preview publication


Venerated Member
\"Linlwitz-Riley filters @ 96kHz\"??????


Active Member
That should be \"Linkwitz-Riley\" filters, and refers to the filters or \"crossovers\" used to separate the different bands. You can do this with Cambridge by using the Butterworth 3 or 5 filters (see http://www.uaudio.com/webzine/2003/july ... tent3.html ).

Dunno what the @96kHz means...if they are going to use upsampling, I would imagine they would go 192kHz as they did with the PEQ.

I am sure they will provide the option to turn off some of the bands, which would give it the potential to be a really nice broadband expander/gate.


Active Member
The MP/LP option sounds cool too, if it works like Waves LinMB where the makeup gains can be used for EQing. I'm still more excited about that Space Echo though.


brian said:
The MP/LP option sounds cool too, if it works like Waves LinMB where the makeup gains can be used for EQing. I'm still more excited about that Space Echo though.
Me too. Do you remember what the release date was for the Echo? End of the year?
Hmmm it says \"v4.1....\" I wonder if the version 4.0 that is coming out will have the multiband, or if that is furthur into the future, maybe v4.0 will have the dimension d and later v4.1 will have the mutliband?? Unless they just meant 4.0.


Active Member
MASSIVE Mastering said:
I was SO hoping that they'd keep out of the garbage... :cry:
Come on now, hopefully they will allow us to set how many bands we want to use. I can't see the need for more than 3 bands, but maybe we can set it up to only use 1 band, as a nice broadband bus comp. Do you hate multiband compressors on individual instruments / subgroups as well?

I'm still hoping somebody will make that 88-band compressor so I can squash every key on my piano a bit differently.


Active Member
Dr_Jones said:
brian said:
The MP/LP option sounds cool too, if it works like Waves LinMB where the makeup gains can be used for EQing. I'm still more excited about that Space Echo though.
Me too. Do you remember what the release date was for the Echo? End of the year?
I remember it was set for something like November or Q4 2005...so probably 1st quarter 2006 :) .


Active Member
if you think of MB compressors like they are dynamic EQs.. then they can be incredibly useful.

Giles117 DP

Active Member
Yes sir. a MB Comp has come in very handy when mixing projects from guys recording in their basements.

Allows me to easily beef up the audio tracks and smooth them out.


Active Member
IMHO, Voxengo's Soniformer, while not a \"true\" multiband, does everything most people want a multiband to do with less damage to the signal. Now that I have it, I have no use for \"traditional\" multiband compressors at all.

So bring on the Precision Mastering Compressor (fullband)!


Established Member

Pretty Please UA, release a \"Mastering Pak\" that is basically a project pack but with the mastering plugs instead of the project pak plugs. Geting another card with the deal would seal the deal for sure!


Sadly, left this world before his time.
They've practically done this already with the release of Flexi Pak.


lazlominimart said:
IMHO, Voxengo's Soniformer, while not a "true" multiband, does everything most people want a multiband to do with less damage to the signal. Now that I have it, I have no use for "traditional" multiband compressors at all.

So bring on the Precision Mastering Compressor (fullband)!
I really hope there is an option to function as a single band also... really, I do like the idea of the multi-band capability - I would love to see multiband integrate with M/S... this would allow compression/expansion of only stereo or mono material - and only within a certain band!

Anyway, I do think multiband has it's place - for more complex ideas like above, or simple multiband compression/expansion, but please UA, make this thing capable of operating single band as well - a great single band compressor with a huge amount of control would be every bit as valuable as multiband... - that thread that was on this site a while back had some amazing suggestions for capabilities that would be really nice for both single and multiband...


Here is a quote:

I would love to see a Precision Mastering Compressor. I think it would be great to have something along the lines of the Weiss DS1 MKII v1.3... or even like the Sony Oxford Dynamics plugin. Both of these devices are extremely high quality, and extremely versatile - a bit more versatile than the current crop of compressors available for the UAD-1. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love UA compressors, but something with the capabilities of the above compressors would be wonderful...

What features in particular would be nice?

1) Parallel compression (a method by which the signal is split into two parallel streams - one is then compressed, one is left untouched... the uncompressed stream is delayed to be sample accurate with the compressed stream - they are then recombined. This method is detailed in Bob Katz's book mastering audio - you can also read more about it in the manual for the Weiss DS-1 compressor). This compression is called "upward compression" rather than the "downward compression" of most typical compressors.

2) In addition to parallel compression, it would be nice to be able to do multi-band (with the ability to solo each band)... at least with a few bands - AND to include parallel compression in this function - to make it possible to perform "upward compression" on only the bass frequencies - while leaving the high frequencies untouched.

3) Look ahead functionality to assure against "overs" or distortion.

4) Release hold

5) SOFT KNEE - similar to Sony Oxford Dynamics - but even more versatility - selectable curves (to be able to make the curve sharper at the beginning or end, rather than a linear curve. Also, selectable intensity like the Oxford currently has).

6) Expansion capability (upward and downward expansion) - for example, the ability to set the ratio to .93:1, and to select upward or downward expansion - to be tweakable into a gate, or to be used to enhance dynamic response.

7) Extremely flexible ratios - ability to do ratios of 1.02:1, or 1.03:1, etc. Very accurate.

Selectable release time constants (like the DS1).

9) Mid-side capabilities - including for each band of the multi-band! (the ability to compress only the "mono" material in the "lower band" of the multi-band if we so choose - or maybe to use the plugin as an expander on only the "stereo" material while leaving the "mono" material untouched).

10) Upsampled processing
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