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Newbie question regarding Mackie UAD vs. UAD-1 cards


New Member

I currently have a UAD-1 card in my mac (G4 dual 1 gHz). I was wondering if the Mackie UAD card is compatible (and will work as well) with my UAD-1 card. Are they any different? I'm considering buying a used Mackie card.

Also, is the $150 promotion for NEW cards only or does it work with registering used cards? ...OK...stop laughing...just wanted to make sure.



I know of no difference whatsoever. They same plug-ins run on every card so I doubt it.

AFAIK Mackie only marketed the card for a while. So the only difference is the box.


Active Member
The promotion will work only with new cards. But what's nice about the Mackies: they are fully compatible with your existing UAD card and they come with LA-2A and 1176LN (in case you don't own them already).


Holly said:
The promotion will work only with new cards. But what's nice about the Mackies: they are fully compatible with your existing UAD card and they come with LA-2A and 1176LN (in case you don't own them already).
I don't understand ('Meiste dass die Promotionen nur mit nicht-Mackie-karten gehen oder?)

I have a Mackie card and the promotions all work fine. You just register your card with UAD at their website.

You won't get any new purchase promotion for a Mackie card perhaps? At any rate Mackie haven't marketted UAD in years, so you are unlikely to find anything but a non-Mackie branded card for anything but 2nd hand sale. And the new purchase promotion doesn't cover 2nd hand cards (does it!???).

At any rate watch the prices of the 2nd hand cards. Once you whack off the 33% depreciation on all 2nd hand goods and then deduct the new card promotion it starts to look like just buying a new Project Pack is a smarter move- and you get your warranty.


Active Member
@ Sirius: he asked for the $150 promotion. And this is only valid for new cards. See http://www.uaudio.com/webzine/2008/january/index9.html.
If you purchase and register a new UAD-1, UAD-1e, or Xpander, your my.uaudio.com account will be awarded with a UAD$150 Coupon, good for any Powered Plug-In in the UA Web Store.
I guess, it will be hard to find a new Mackie card these days. But like I mentioned above, even second hand they are still a great buy unless you already own LA-2A and 1176LN.

The other promotions (like multi-card-coupons) work fine, of course!
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