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newbie questions in Performer

I just got my first UAD card, but I have a couple questions. I tried to search but couldn't find this exactly...sorry if it's been discussed already.

1) How can I keep the UAD plugs that aren't authorized out of my plugin window in performer (4.6)? There's too much there, and I'd rather keep it simple.

2) I bought my card secondhand. The previous user I guess had used some of the demos, but I'd like to hear a few of them. Is there a way to get this reset. I called UA, but they're out for the weekend.



Sadly, left this world before his time.
thecivildefense said:
Is there a way to get this reset. I called UA, but they're out for the weekend.
Wait for them to come back and ask for a demo reset. They're always helpful.


All the plugs are in -/library/audio/plugins/components
Create a new folder ( disabled plugs ) put the one you don't want to appear there.


if you download audio unit manager (freeware) you can simply turn on and off what plugs you want to load for certain programs. ie..for dp i only want the mas version of waves to load so i turn them off and for uad it lists all of them so i can turn off the ones i don't own. then when i go to peak. i like using waves au. so i turn it on. wala.
UAD Bundle Month