obstruction almost finished


Established Member
Hi all,

the song I previously posted on the old forum reaches it's final stage. Mix is already set up with plugs & automation. The link is here:obstruction

please be critical about the song, production & mix and help me finish the job :)

thanks in advance, Budy


Hey Budy,

these backing vocals sound HUGE!!! :eek: How many tracks was that? :wink: OTOH, I think this layering sometimes produces a somewhat strange result, for example, @ 1:39, \"That's the word\" sounds a bit strange to me - maybe you should use some phase aligning plug or something? Sorry, I can't describe it better in English...
Apart from that, which could be just my ears :?: , the mix sounds soooooo smooth; I have to say you seem to have a signature sound in your mixes - I mean a nice signature sound, warm and smooth... 8)

PS: The rhythm guitar fits much better in this mix than in the previous one. :)


Active Member
Extremely cool! I love the ending.

Where did the drums come from, or are they live?

Wish I could find something to critisize. ;)



Established Member
Hi guys, thanks for listening 8)

Akis; you're right about the phase align (perfect english to me, but who am I to tell). I had Alise, Shirma and an american girl named Paige do all the backings (in stereo) so that makes 18 tracks plus some extra doubles. Have to edit it though. I must have the mix done by this weekend, so as soon as I have it I'll post the definite version.

cAPSLOCK; the drums are live, combined with a very simple groove I made with battery. In this song I used some 8 bar loops of the real drums because I like the repetition. With battery I use samples I gathered myself over the years, and try to make them blend in so you can't hear the difference between the drums and the samples (but now you know I'm sure you can tell). The sample groove is completely different from the drum groove; I like contrasts.

The comments are much apreciated. Is there anything else I need to work on a bit? I'm still not sure about the low end & if it's all warm enough?

regards, Budy


New Member
hi boody. This is very good. I'm listening to it right now for the 5th time.. Very well mixed, the vocalist is awesome. It's definitely warm and smooth, very nice work.



boody said:
I'm still not sure about the low end & if it's all warm enough?
As David (noheaven) said, very warm and smooth. The low end is wonderful (even on the DT770 :wink: )

BTW, the blend of the live groove with the programmed one is perfect! I thought it was all live... :eek:


Boody....low end is KICK\"N! Warm enough here. Nice work. Really like the song. You write it? Can't wait to hear the finale :p


Established Member
GP said:
Boody....low end is KICK"N! Warm enough here. Nice work. Really like the song. You write it? Can't wait to hear the finale :p
thanks GP! The song is by Alise (the vocalist) and me. Alise also playes the trumpets & flugelhorn.

I'll be mixing our demo this weekend. Will post as soon as I think it's done, so you guys can check if I overlooked somethings :wink:


Active Member
Awesome ! Indeed the sound is very warm, compact and yet transparent.. Love the trumpet parts.. The palet of sounds is greatly chosen... Hats off !
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