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Official I Want X64 Drivers Page - Please Vote

How do you feel about X64 drivers ?

  • I want X64!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care about X64

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


It was a major let down for me! the UAD-1 has been the only thing holding me back from x64 for quite some time now.


I was let down BigTime!

I'm on Windows XP64 only now. I love this OS. I have 64bit Driver for all my Hardware except UA and there not Beta drivers. All my Apps and Plugins are working great on this OS. I was really looking forward to finaly having Windows XP64 Bit drivers with UA driver version 4.4.

Edit- The weird thing is I took a look over at the general discussion Mac forum and I don't see anyone jumping up and down over the MacIntel
driver release with version 4.4. I have'nt seen one post yet.

What a bummer!


i find it hard to believe that those few who said they didnt care will never upgrade to a 64 system since ALL new processors are 64bit even my wifes centrino laptop is 64bit. they might not be upgrading in the near future but they will.


Active Member
C'mon, a \"poll\" where only the \"right\" anserws are accepted is bullshit.
Can you please tell me, what sense a poll makes if you say \"you have to choose yes \"??


Active Member
folkfreak said:
C'mon, a "poll" where only the "right" anserws are accepted is bullshit.
Can you please tell me, what sense a poll makes if you say "you have to choose yes "??
you dont have to choose "yes" ... in fact, u don't have to take place in the poll at all. if you choose to participate, however, you can choose that you either want X64 drivers or not.

thanks for chiming in


Active Member
Looks like the results are 13-12 in favor of X64. Not the biggest sampling yet, but it looks like the UAD community is about 50/50 as to the development of X64 drivers.

I guess UA knows more about their customers than some of us think they do ;)

Still love to hear more opinions, and of course to see those drivers released.

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