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Ok this sucks, can't try any new demo's


New Member
Ok, here's the deal so before anyone jumps down my throat please read and understand. Before I did a clean install, I was removng things in windows that I didn't need, as well as time zones and such, any I noticed that my clock was set back 1 year, so I fixed it, and boy did I ever fix it. Now when ever I load up Sonar5, I get the \"You time has been set back and you wont be able to use any demos blah blah. So now when I have updated to 4.2 the demo for Space echo has already expired. I do believe this will be the case for future demo's being that Uad1 cards have there own memory built in. So this was not intentional of coarse, just wanted to fix up some things with windows and BAM. I have noticed others have reported not being anble to use the Spcae echo, but this was happening before V4.2 so please don't confuse what's going on here with a possible glitch with the timed demos with Uad, I do believe it's cause my clock was set back and now fixed. Any suggestions?. :(
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