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Online Mastering . . . an offer.


Active Member
howdy all. i have started offering the online mastering service now, but am also attempting to gain local clients. currently, i do not have an adequate amount of diverse/quality material to exhibit my work with in a manner that i feel comfortable. after talking to eric at jrrshop.com and garnering his thoughts on the best way to obtain more material, we figured the simplest way is to offer one song free to forum members so that both parties (you and i) could beneift. therefore, i am looking for great pieces of music of all styles to be mastered for free until i have a comfortable amount of mastering samples. one song per style per person will be accepted. meaning that one person can send me 10 different songs as long as they are different genre. if you are happy with my services and wish for more songs to be mastered, then we can discuss privately a discounted rate for your willingness to help me out. of course, you would retain all rights to \"ok\" the mastering or decide to not let me use it for an example. thanx for your time.


Active Member
Hey, just wanted to give a unbias opinion about Dave at Eastgate.

I'm Tim from Eclectica Studios here in Los Angeles, and I have personally heard many things Dave has mastered and have been very impressed. Spacifally the bottem end, I have used many different Mastering places out here, and Dave's stuff was the only one that caught my attention. I will be using him.

Eclectica Studios



'Just 'cuase ya got a kitchen, don't mean ya know how ta cook'


Active Member
I have hip-hop, trip-hop, guitar instrumental, and idm/ambient tracks you could have a go at...also some live jam tracks (kind of radiohead meets tool or something :?: ).
UAD Bundle Month