Thanks for your suggestions
Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and, in some cases, moral support, for this issue. I would like to say that, while I love my Mac, I'm very disappointed in the performance (or lack thereof) from my UAD plugins. This is by no means the fault of the great people at UAD so don't get me wrong. If anyone is to blame it's Apple for their rather totalitarian policies that frankly, don't make any sense any more. OK, there, I've ranted. But I, like so many others, aren't the least bit happy with this situation and I hope that it will be resolved soon. Someone suggested I get a Magma Chassis but I've read where that might not be as much of a help as one would expect. Anyway, does anyone know if checking or unchecking the Large Disk Buffer makes a difference? I'm going to try reducing the Process Buffer to Mid or Low and see if that makes a difference. Once again, great forum and thanks for the help.