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Opinions on the UA website.

I think the website is grand.

The colors are calming the navigation is more or less straighforward. Its a very pleasant experience. Its not pretentious at all with trying to be 'techie' or 'we're just as modern as the next guy'. Probably one of the more friendlier and inviting websites... it invites you in like a well aquainted friend.

One gets the feeling that this is small company with a fantastic reputation... that their employees love thier jobs generally...almost as if there seems to be a magic about the company itself. Truly a gem. The company hasn't grown past the point of being impersonal and still retains the close relationship and good reputation with its customers. In the end, the impression I get is that this is the kind of company we would all like to work for. 9-5 wouldn't matter, it would more or less be fun.

Its brilliance is in its simplicity. Not too many things going on. Good focus.

The only suggestion I would make is that there seems to be small inconsistencies in the font being used on the navigation area on the left.
Make these into graphical links like is being used in the top section, it would look even better. I dont think black is the right colour either, probaboly go with the UA blue for the text.

Great stuff to the designer(s)... keep going with this model.


Venerated Member
\"One gets the feeling that this is small company with a fantastic reputation... \"

I get that also, not from the colors of the website or the type of font they use but by the content. The webzine is amazing, I look forward to it every month. To me it's like a great magazine I discovered recently and am looking for the previous issues (in this case, the archives).

Personally, I would much rather that their web team concentrate on adding more content related to the company and their products rather than a redesign of the site. Keep up the good work folks.
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