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OSX Update 10.3.8 Any Problems?


Active Member
Has anyone had any problems with OSX 10.3.8?


Active Member
Logic works fine here with 10.3.8.


Active Member
Fine here so far with Logic Pro 7 also. Safari and Mail are now considerably faster!


It seems to be working fine for me with Nuendo 2.

I did a stupid thing when I updated, though, and caused myself some trouble. I left a firewire drive on during the install and re-boot and it crapped out the directory on the drive. When the computer re-booted, I was thinking, \"Oooooh... I should have disconnected that drive. Uh oh.\" Sure enough, the system wouldn't recognize it.

Anyway, I WAS able to save it by using DiskWarrior, but it took a while and was a pain in the ass. So, just remember to disconnect all firewire drives while updating. It's just safer.

Good luck.
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