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Out of Curiosity


Established Member
I'm curious (after reading the most recent posts) how many of us are willing to not buy another plug-in/card/mic pre/compressor from UA until they provide an adequate replacement for their DSP card.

I too read their cop out article on the webzine regarding their choices for waiting to make a better card.

\" Adding DSP chips to make a multi-card UAD-1 card might be an option if that were all we had planned for the future of the product line, but we're not stopping quite yet. We're actively developing new products based on new technology, but, sorry, no specific announcements just yet. \"

Hm.... So they're saying they COULD do it, and the flippancy of the response tells me they could do it quite easily. It sounds like they're just WAITING until technology catches up with their ideas.


I'm not satisfied. Anyone else?

Dan Duskin

Established Member
I LOVE my UAD-1 plugins... but...

Their argument for going to PCIe and skipping firewire makes them look really stupid (actually, it makes them seem that they think we are stupid). Of course the bandwidth of PCI and PCIe is better than firewire, but the current UAD-1 can't even provide enough plugin power to max out a firewire bus. And their argument about PCI and PCIe offering lower latency makes you wonder how TC got their Powercore Firewire to perform at HALF the latency of the soundcard (less latency), while the UAD-1 PCI & PCIe perform at DOUBLE the latency (more latency) of the soundcard.

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
BTLG said:
I'm curious (after reading the most recent posts) how many of us are willing to not buy another plug-in/card/mic pre/compressor from UA until they provide an adequate replacement for their DSP card.
Your plug-ins can transfer & your cards can be re-sold (indeed, with all the current promotions going on, we've seen a lot of people buy cards fully intending to re-sell them after receiving their plug-in vouchers). I know that's not as good as getting a new card but the situation isn't so bad. Anyway, if UA does eventually come out with a card that is four times as powerful as the current ones, I predict they'll also sell it for four times the price of the current cards, meaning the majority of people who will be interested in it will be the ones that have already maxxed out at 4 cards.


Venerated Member
Are you kidding!? I got 3 cards, and am doing the best I can to save up for my 4th!

For the price of these cards/plugins and how good they sound, my only gripe is that they only allow 4 per system!

I've got a Magma chassis with 7 slots, and trust me, if I was able to get 7 cards running in my system, I would!


BTLG said:
I'm curious (after reading the most recent posts) how many of us are willing to not buy another plug-in/card/mic pre/compressor from UA until they provide an adequate replacement for their DSP card.
I think UA is doing a great job.

I'm going to continue to buy their stuff.

I want more power too, but I trust that UA is working on something new and cool and more powerful than the UAD-1 and that they'll release it when it's good and ready.

Until then, I'll work with what I have and I'll be very thankful for it.

Enjoy your disgruntlement.


Well, I'm not going to buy a plugin that uses 67% of a single card.

I'm getting good results out of the two cards I have now, and have most of the plugins. They do things that I can't readily recreate with alternatives, so my current set up is a keeper. But, I'm not putting any more into it without a clear picture of what happens next and what the upgrade cost / structure is going to be.


Active Member
Well, I will not be buying the 33609, at least not now, but that has nothing (or at least not very much) to do with the fact that it eats 70% dsp (if you don't like the dsp usage, you get the SE too, right?). I just didn't like the sound that much...


Active Member
But, I'm not putting any more into it without a clear picture of what happens next and what the upgrade cost / structure is going to be.

UA what are your projects ?

We want want an anouncement, some news about new hardware,

the actual becomes obsolete days after days


Dear afone !

it looks like you have a lot of time to write & complain , in the meanwhile some people do simply work everyday with the UAD-1 .
We got your point & i don't think that repeating it everyday will simply help in a way or another.

I do trust UA , i'm thankfull for their hard work & i do know this has improved my production works since i have bought those products.

Be patient & confident , like we say in french \"à chaque chose son temps\" , one thing a time.



Active Member
also true fac27 :lol:

i become a bitchy user with this fabulous gear :lol:


Venerated Member
fac27 said:
in the meanwhile some people do simply work everyday with the UAD-1
Bingo, I guess it really is a matter of what you are doing with what you have. I'm a freelance engineer and have to say these plugins were one of my best investments I've made, right up there with the really expensive analog gear I've bought (and hey, I only have one instance of those for my sessions.)

I use them in real-world situations, mixing Pro Tools projects on the daily and can't imagine needing more than 4 cards. I also will be looking at the Duende when Windows drivers are issued and I can't imagine needing more plugin efx than the Duende and 4 UAD cards for the work I do (which is usually 24 tracks or more in Pro Tools, with a ton of inserts and sends).

Personally, I'm not too concerned on what is going to happen 2-3 years from now, I've used these effects and they work really well for me and that's what I need to focus on!


i'm kinda glad uad decided not to go firewire just yet. I'd rather wait for a geometric increase i power rather than be lured into an incremental increase now. For too long now, we computer users have been duped into paying full price of incremental or nominal increases, while hardware/software manufactureres milked us for every stinking doller we could afford in the guise of \"better, faster, more powerful\".

I own 2 cards, and am not buying another until the revolution comes!
UAD Bundle Month