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Peluso P12 or 2247? Sputnik?


Venerated Member
I've played around with the a real C12 a few times as well as a U47.
I love the C12. U47? Well yeah too.
Right now I'm using qty.2 M-Audio Sputniks for Drum Room or OVH.
I'd like to step up my game. The Sputnik's are no joke, for the money.
They are awesome. So the question is, \"Is it worth it, to replace them with either of these mikes?\" Their price gaps are pretty steep.
I'm thinking qty.2 P12's or qty.1 2247LE from Peluso to replace the Sputniks.
I can only pull in about 1000.00 selling the sputniks and I'd have to save the rest or sell a piece of rack gear. My weakest link in my gear, are my mics.

, I see JrrShop.com sells Peluso.
What are your thoughts on his mikes, these mikes in particular and is it worth it to even go to the P12 in comparison to the SPutnik?
I wonder if anyone modes the Sputniks? They are pretty f'n cool as is.
Anyone have any experience with any these bad boys?

edit: I just discovered these things...
Advanced Audio Microphones
Their C12 clone looks killer...
I wonder how they sound in comparison?

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
The P12 and 2247LE are quite different, the P12 has a bit of a mid hump and isn't nearly as big sounding as the 2247LE is. The 2247LE is very full range with lots of top end and the perfect amount of bass. Both mics lack the up-front sound of the Stephen Paul-modded U57 (now U47 spec) we referenced against, only the Red Type A6 got close in that respect (though it was more similar to the M147 in every other respect). btw, the Type A6 has the C12 capsule but the Type A0 is actually more of a real C12 sound.

RichR on this forum has had my Soundelux U95 for a while and is borrowing a Sputnik now. He can surely chime in more about that mic than I can.

Modding crappy mics only gives you less crappy mics. If you really feel the need to get some modded Oktava's, you may as well do them yourself:


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