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Plate = CPU Hog?


Hi Everybody:

One more day before the current plug-in sale ends, and I've got 50 Flexi-bucks burning a hole in my pocket.

I activated the Plate 140 demo, and it sounds fantastic. I'd love to use up the rest of my Flexipak $ on this plug, but....in my dual 2.0 ghz (non-AMD) G5 with one UAD card, instantiating a mere 2 of these plugs (into a mix that is already using 5 other UAD plugs: 3 Pultecs and 2 LA-2As) brings the whole thing crashing to a halt.

Is this plug known to be that power-hungry? Have other people had similar experiences? If you know and could chime in before tomorrow night, that'd be great.



Yeah, it doesn't surprise me that you are having trouble running those plugs on one card. The Plate sounds great, but takes a good chunk of CPU to run.


Not only does it take a lot of CPU to run, it takes a lot of CPU even when its idling in bypass mode!

In an attempt to get my song to stop crashing, I turned the Plates off, then removed one from the song, tried bypassing all UAD plugs - everything. Nothing worked until in desperation, I just removed both Plates from the song altogether. That did the trick. Now everything's running fine.

Guess I won't be spending my $ on the Plate after all.


Active Member
no bypassing works fine - takes ALL the power from the plugin (but not the memory) in logic 7.1 . But you have to activate the release dsp power function in the uad configuration menu first.

And there is a chart on the uad site - it shows how much dsp each plugin takes - the plate i think takes 25% so you can run about 4 on a cart.
Apple G5 DPL 1,8ghz; Logic Pro 7.1
UAD Bundle Month