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please UA engineer, need an advise for 1178 power supply

hans gewung

New Member
Hi! The power supply of my 1178 is making a nerving buzz all the time.
What power supply can i use to replace the original?

Is that power supply buzz on every 1178 or just on mine?

Please, please help!


Active Member
I assume you just bought this used ?

Im sure you'll find an answer, maybe not here though , but maybe .

have you been to DIY ?

hans gewung

New Member

yes i bought it used... what means DIY, sorry i am not from an english speaking country. Could you please give me a short advise!


hans gewung

New Member
Do it yourself

I will do myself but i need to know what kind of power supply i have to buy.

Once again, is that buzz on every 1178, somebody?


Hey hans is that power supply internal or external?

Is the hum coming from the mains transformer? and is it getting into your audio path?

Cheers Tom


Active Member
That must be your 1178

I used an 1178 for 10 years with no buzz, etc......

might just be old compnenets or bad internal grounding


Active Member
I know a great tech/designer who repairs and mods 1176/1178/LA3/LA4's etc. here in the US. He done work for a ton of world class studios and engineers and worked some wonders on a pair of LA4's I got. Amazing. Email me and I'll give you his info if you like.

hans gewung

New Member
Thanx for your replies

The buzz comes from the power supply, the signal path is absolutely clean. I think i just have to replace the original, but where can i get one in germany?
The power supply is built into the mainboard, so you can't just replace it.

If the unit's buzzing, it's probably due to a bad cap. You should have the unit serviced by a good tech, they'll be able to sort it out no problem.



New Member
Re: Cool dude

hans gewung said:
Wow! The first dude with a real advise, thank you very, very much man!!!
Hi Hans,

To be fair, that's because he actually works for Universal Audio. I'm sure you'd have got that info straightaway if you'd emailed UA with your query.



Active Member
hans gewung wrote:
Wow! The first dude with a real advise, thank you very, very much man!!!

Hi Hans,

To be fair, that's because he actually works for Universal Audio. I'm sure you'd have got that info straightaway if you'd emailed UA with your query.

I told him to do that from the start :lol:
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