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Please UA make UAD-pcie... Poco will be at 2006 summer..


Established Member
With my latest build I haven't found PCI-E to be surperior or even equal in performance to PCI. In fact, running 2 PCI-E gra[hics cards (for 4 screens) consumes enough bandwidth to limit the throughput of the PCI-E Firewire card I was using. I was forced to go back to on-board firewire to get rid of the screen freezes I was seeing.

Be careful what you wish for. PCI slots are still as prolific if not more prolific on new motherboards. PCI-E DSP cards, at least at the moment, are just going to cause a different kind of headache. ...maybe even more severe.
I though UA were announcing something new at the Musikmesse?



Venerated Member
Maybe it should be a daisy chainable 19\" external rack unit with a variety of connection options (USB 2.0, 1394b, Ethernet, connect rack unit to proprietary 32bit PCI card, connect rack unit to proprietary PCI express card. Also, each 19\" rackmount box should be able to host 4 of the existing PCI cards for extra DSP.


PCIe is coming....no details when...

http://www.uaudio.com/webzine/2006/apri ... tent1.html

Will UA ever release a PCIe version of the UAD-1 and if so when?

UA is committed to supporting the PCIe platform on Mac and PC and while you will definitely see PCIe products from UA in the future, we have no specific product announcements at this time.

No doubt it's coming, just a question of when. Probably more news in the next few webzines after TC's announcement!


Uad PCIe

Talked to someone at the Musikmesse in Frankfurt.

He told me that nothing is for shure, but PCIe is the thing UA is following at the moment.
The problem is really the new Intelmacs comming, and have to be shure this works good, before bringing new prodicts and not knowing it will work with this MACs.

He also told me to expect INFORMATION in August (read Information!!!)
It will take a while, but its comming!
They are checking possibilities to exchange the old cards, but they are discussing it right now.


Active Member
Re: Uad PCIe

remdeck said:
Talked to someone at the Musikmesse in Frankfurt.

He told me that nothing is for shure, but PCIe is the thing UA is following at the moment.
The problem is really the new Intelmacs comming, and have to be shure this works good, before bringing new prodicts and not knowing it will work with this MACs.

He also told me to expect INFORMATION in August (read Information!!!)
It will take a while, but its comming!
They are checking possibilities to exchange the old cards, but they are discussing it right now.
IMO UAD are making some bad business decisions right now.

FWFFS. ;) (Fire Wire F__ F__ Sake!)

Kind regards

Dave rich.

Mark Edmonds

Active Member
Firewire would be highly undesirable IMO and wouldn't solve all problems.

Firewire is not as standard on mobos as USB is or ethernet so a lot of people will need firewire interface cards. I've just checked on my regular on-line dealer for a PCIe firewire card and cannot see one. So they exist yet? I'm sure they will in the future though.

Simple thing is to replace one universal standard with another universal standard and if PCIe is going to be the new PCI, PCIe is the way forward.

Firewire uses more native CPU than PCI too.

I assume that will still be the case when pitted against PCIe.


Active Member
Re: Uad PCIe

remdeck said:
They are checking possibilities to exchange the old cards, but they are discussing it right now.
Can you say "refurbished UAD-1s for sale?"

I won't be upgrading my dual G5 for at least a couple years. I'd consider buying a used card for half price...
Yeah right

all these fuckin klownes wanting firewire for their 'sexy' laptops will be singing a different tune once they realise all the issues that come with firewire and incompatibilities with differnet software/hardware configurations.

you some some evidence then simply look at all the issues with the TC PC Firewire. and Cubase SX, for one.

Keep it PCI, it fuckin works.

Dan Duskin

Established Member
protoculture said:
Keep it PCI, it fuckin works.
with what fuckin mobo? new mobo's have virtually no fuckin slots!

and in regards to firewire issues... all you have to do is make sure you have a modern via or ti chipset and it just works. firewire was designed for this kind of thing. i have a powercore firewire and it is more reliable than my uad-1's.


PCI-e version will force people to change systems from upside down (I'm horrified imagining reinstalling 100Gb of VSTis) + additional cost, with actually very limited slots offer.
Firewire is the smoothest way to upgrade and exchanging old cards would be of coarse very nice. :)
hey Studio - Shut It, ok man.

My experience with firewire technology is that it's all about false promises. These fuckin Klownes complaining that they want PCIE and other such nonsense simply because its new rather than how it will REALLY benefit them.

In end I doubt there will be any difference to the quality of the audio OR how powerful the UAD card is performance wise.

Its a case of \"I want to upgrade to the latest technology even though that technology hasn't proven itself\". Just to be in vogue, just to have the latest gear. I'm convinced its a sickness.

Quit bitching to UA to make it in your various ridiculous formats. They hire season programmers, seasoned marketers who have knowledge way beyond any of us here. If they make a choice more often than not its the right one and probably better than any of us could have made.

Dan Duskin

Established Member
It's very simple to me.

#1: I have no more slots
#2: new mobo's have less and less slots (some have none)

The idea that we could place one or more PCI-E cards in our computers is becoming impossible in many/most cases... so to release a PCI-E card would be like releasing a SCSI based UAD-1... i.e. causing people to run through hoops buying new gear and making adjustments just to get it to work, because most of us don't have the ability to use one (and thinking that more will in the future is doubly stupid, because computers are getting smaller and slots are going away).
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