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Plug-in Want: Wet/Dry control for Studio D chorus


New Member
Hey all,

I love the sound of the Studio D chorus, but even on the lightest setting I find that it’s a bit strong. A wet/dry mix would solve this easily.

Perhaps a future version can include this.

Thanks in advance.



Established Member
Hey all,

I love the sound of the Studio D chorus, but even on the lightest setting I find that it’s a bit strong. A wet/dry mix would solve this easily.

Perhaps a future version can include this.

Thanks in advance.

You can use it as a send... wet/dry... voila.


Established Member
I totally agree, but I doubt UAD is ever going to add wet/dry controls to any existing plugins. If you are running in Console, I guess you have to use and AUX send to blend it in.


Venerated Member
Wet/Dry -> Phase issues….


Active Member
I only ever use this plugin as a send effect. I’d imagine folks used the hardware in the same manner.

The send signal should be time aligned, so no real issues back to the parent channel - apart from a slight volume bump.

Plus this is a modulation effect, so it impacts phase by its nature.


Venerated Member


New Member
Well, there’s egg on my face with this one … I never thought of Chorus as a Send, but that solves the challenge. I came up in the eighties and nineties as a keyboard player when patches were drenched with it, so it was typically an onboard effect I would turn off. And just by happenstance, most of the factory plugins I’ve used (or the lovely TAL-Chorus-LX) have a wet/dry control. But yes, if Chorus is generally used as a send, then I learned something new today.

Thanks for the help.

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