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Possible UAD-2?

Hey guys, I found out that Waves has just released the APA-44 and APA32 that provides massive Hardware DSP Acceleration by means of Ethernet. (No clue on the price... any ideas?)

I think this is an absolutely brilliant idea for us G5 users to avoid that god forsaken AMD Chipset. Gigabit ethernet = Lower latency than firewire and usb. If UA plays their cards right, they could completely avoid PCI incompatibilities in future UAD models and maintain product longevity since ethernet is not going anywhere for a while. Imagine having APA-44 and UAD-2 on a system. The Waves APA-44 is, naturally, compatible with ALL G5 models! ahhh.. the possibilities. What do you guys think?


Active Member
I think the prices are $1600 and $2400...they mention some cryptic references to different types of latency, I wonder what that is about?


New Member
tlkshowhst said:
Hey guys, I found out that Waves has just released the APA-44 and APA32 that provides massive Hardware DSP Acceleration by means of Ethernet. (No clue on the price... any ideas?)

I think this is an absolutely brilliant idea for us G5 users to avoid that god forsaken AMD Chipset. Gigabit ethernet = Lower latency than firewire and usb. If UA plays their cards right, they could completely avoid PCI incompatibilities in future UAD models and maintain product longevity since ethernet is not going anywhere for a while. Imagine having APA-44 and UAD-2 on a system. The Waves APA-44 is, naturally, compatible with ALL G5 models! ahhh.. the possibilities. What do you guys think?
Well, honestly I think that here's the same problem with Waves: This stuff seems way overpriced
(if the prices MPC said are correct - I couldn't find any on their site which for itself is VERY suspicious)..

so what do you get for this price?

For 1600 $ a unit that can do 9 LinEQs or 6 LinMBs? This power seems to be quite equivalent to a single 1,25Ghz G4 CPU...for 1600$ ??
then rather get a shiny new Powerbook for the same price and wait for Logic to support AUs with their Nodes..(hopefully they will) - and run even more Waves plugs than on their DSP device..


I agree with marcuswuest, the Waves accelerators are way overpriced for the DSP power they offer. If I used Waves, I'd rather go for an extra PC and FX Teleport - I don't know if there's something similar on the Mac platform, though.


Active Member
The Waves APA looks like a joke to me. The price is too high and the processing power isn't that awesome. Get powercores and UAD1-cards instead. You can run more plugins with them and you get a better plugins bundle at the same price. The Waves plugins are very pricey anyway. I have no problems running tons of convolution reverbs and compressors already with my G5 alone. No need for any APA.


Active Member
... and it looks like you need to buy the plugs separately anyway...



Active Member
Typical Waves strategy. Hook a Siphon up to your wallet and drain.

Na I'll stick tothe model we have now. These problems will be fixed.

Howq goes the new Powercore Mk II??? Any 1st time experiences????
Remember though, Waves MRSP's are always through the roof, however their street prices are much more reasonable (check out the price difference between the Diamond Bundle MSRP and its street price).

I wouldn't be surprised to see the APA33 for $1100 tops. Plus you get IR-L (Convolution Reverb) and Q-Clone (Convolution EQ I guess).


Active Member
Well I base my opinion of waves pricing on what sweetwater will sell it for then I goto Guitar Center and get them down even more. But they are still costly.

So at these prices you might as well buy a used TDM system and enjoy life. Then you can buy the TDM versions of UAD plugins :)


Active Member
..not quite at these prices...

HD is still rediculous money - and you still don't get much DSP.... maybe a few 1176's? not much left for the rest of your mix...

TDM (mix) - would need a mix3 to get anything done - and then your on an outdated system - certainly not gonna enjoy life - i never did with one!

either way, digi or waves, unbelievably expensive :eek: - and not quite worked out why yet...?



Active Member
Here is the answer.


5 simple little letters. LOL

Or a nice phrase.

Because they can......


Prices for IR-L and Q-clone at Sweetwater: 300+750= 1050$

And these two plugs you recieve for free if you buy hardware.

I already own RennMax so I could use APA 32 to run two Renn Reverbs, six Renn Channel and two IR-L.

I don't believe UAD is more eficient than that.

Or I could buy PoCo Mk II and VSS3 + DVR2 for 2000$...

Everything seems so overpriced these days...


Active Member
The worst thing about Waves is their support program. I had the Platinum Bundle and they wanted $500 a year to keep the whole bundle updated! :evil:

I sold my Waves license on eBay and bought another UAD-1 card. :wink:


Active Member
Things seem pretty cheap considering that Reverb used to run you between 3500 and 5000


New Member
giles117 said:
Well I base my opinion of waves pricing on what sweetwater will sell it for then I goto Guitar Center and jew them down even more.
You'll do what?!!
Did you even think for two seconds before you posted that?
I came here for some info and then have to read that kind of despicable stereotyping?


The Originator
giles117 said:
Well I base my opinion of waves pricing on what sweetwater will sell it for then I goto Guitar Center and get them down even more. But they are still costly.

So at these prices you might as well buy a used TDM system and enjoy life. Then you can buy the TDM versions of UAD plugins :)

Hey guys..i don't complain about foul language because we're all pretty much adults here, but lets not add racial slurs to the list.




Active Member
errr....hey giles, you seem pleasant enough online, and I've appreciated your helpful posts. My Mom was actually in a Nazi concentration camp and comments like that really send a chill through me. Hopefully you'll see that an apology is in order.
UAD Bundle Month