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Powerbook, Magma, UAD1 - system freezes


New Member
I can not get this to work. The first instance of any UAD plugin causes system freeze, and no way out but to reboot. I've done some searches through the forum and not seen anyone who has an effective fix for this. Has anyone here had and fixed this problem ?

Im using both a TC Electronic Powercore and a UAD1 Card. Im using Nuendo with the RME Multiface + DSP PCI card (in the magma).

I have tried :

1) Every different slot combination with the cards possible

2) Removing the Powercore card and using only RME and UAD1 (in different slot configurations as well)

3) Using Garageband instead of Nuendo

4) Resetting the driver using the UAD utility

5) Unloading and reloading the driver using the UAD utility

and in every case, simply invoking any of the UAD plugins causes a system crash. I can not get around it. I'm pretty much ready to sell the thing unless i can find a fix soon.

Help !!

Powerbook G4 1.67ghz 17\" (Aluminum)
2GB RAM (corsair)
Magma Chassis
OSX 10.4.7
Nuendo 3.0
RME Multiface + DSP card (most recent drivers for OSX)



Active Member
What drivers do you have for your UAD-1 and PowerCore? What kind of PoCo do you have?


New Member
just yesterday i got the 4.4 software for UAD. i'm assuming that install updates the drivers ? no ?

powercore is the PCI version.. other than that i'm not sure what you mean by \"what kind of PoCo\"..


Active Member
cartoonmonster said:
just yesterday i got the 4.4 software for UAD. i'm assuming that install updates the drivers ? no ?
It does indeed.

cartoonmonster said:
powercore is the PCI version.. other than that i'm not sure what you mean by "what kind of PoCo"..
There are MkI and MkII version of the PCI card.

But did your system work before installing the 4.4 drivers?

Did you install the 4.4.0 drivers or the 4.4.1 OSX Preview release drivers?


New Member
ah yes. the powercore card is a mkII. it has always worked in the magma. the UAD card has never worked in the magma (without causing system hang), no matter what version of the UAD SW/drivers i have installed.


Active Member
I C :wink:

Well, in that case, are you sure the UAD-card is working? I don't have the PCMCIA-version of the Magma (which I'm guessing that you have, since you're running it with a PowerBook :?: ) I have the PCI version, which is working fine with 2 UAD's and 3 PoCo's.
Have you tried the Magma without the Multiface? If so, I would lean towards the UAD-card being damaged.


New Member
well.. this card was tried and true for a full year and a half in my old G4 desktop. it worked in the desktop the day i transfered it to the magma and did not work as soon as i tried to fire it up that day in the magma/powerbook setup. i am always super ginger about moving/installing static-prone hardware, so i don't *think* i hurt it in the move, but you never know.

that said, my hunch is that it's something else. but since there doesn't seem to be a lot of historical experience with this problem, it must be SOMETHING defective. likely my brain :) we shall see. thanks for the thoughts.


Active Member
I'd go for contacting UA support, if they have the possibility of helping you troubleshoot your system. :?

Hope it works out for you.

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