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Precision EQ vs. Pultec-Pro



I need some opinions. I use the Pultec alot on individual tracks aswell as on the masterbus of my mixes, but now I'm thinking about buying the Pultec-Pro or the Precision EQ. Can't really decide since the demos expired along time ago. So which one do you prefere over the other to sweeten things up?



I love the Pultec - Pro and the Precision EQ to sweeten things up (PEQ more commonly on the master buss and Pultec/Pro on sub busses - especially vox and bass) but I think you will find the PEQ more versatile than the P-Pro, especially since you already have a Pultec, I'd go with the PEQ, but face it, you'll own both sooner or later.

Dan Duskin

Established Member
they are both virtually the same... the big difference is the EQ options... underneith, the technology is almost identical. The PEQ has more options, so it's better suited for mastering. Personally, I like to mix them up (use both) just to be sure I'm not giving identical frequency boosts/cuts to different instruments.


Active Member
PEQ is as transparent as I wished my mother in law was..so VERY! The EQ to go on the master buss imho
Pultec means more color.

I often use PEQ on subgroups if I need transparent EQ
I often use Pultec on subgroups if I need coloring EQ

So basically you want both since the are both awesome :)

Paul Woodlock

Established Member
Dan Duskin said:
they are both virtually the same... the big difference is the EQ options... underneith, the technology is almost identical. The PEQ has more options, so it's better suited for mastering. Personally, I like to mix them up (use both) just to be sure I'm not giving identical frequency boosts/cuts to different instruments.
The Pultec-Pro and the PEQ sound way different to me. Both excellent in theit own sweet way. :)



Sadly, left this world before his time.
I think they're pretty different, too. I think Pultec Pro is more of a channel EQ than the PEQ, which I find more suitable for mastering.
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