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Precision Multi-Band nominated for 2006 TEC Award


Congrats UA, the Precision Multi-Band Mastering Compressor has been nominated, for a 2006 TEC Award, in the Signal Processing Technology/Software category:


I bet UA will have a sure fire 2007 TEC nominee, in the Neve 1073. :wink:

Whatdya think?


Active Member
billybk1 said:
Congrats UA, the Precision Multi-Band Mastering Compressor has been nominated, for a 2006 TEC Award, in the Signal Processing Technology/Software category:


I bet UA will have a sure fire 2007 TEC nominee, in the Neve 1073. :wink:

Whatdya think?
Precision multiband is one of the UA compressors i'm not crazy about. It's good and i'll probably end up owning it but i found many multibands on the market just as good or better.It has its own sound wich is nice but not super extroardinary.But i agree the neve eq i believe will get some awards and ALOT of attention for there is something really special about it!


Hmmmm... it looks like my post got double posted. Forum acting up again. I kept getting a Service Unavailable whenever I clicked the submit button. :?

Oh well........


wishingwell said:
I see UA is aware of the nomination, for they have a picture of it on their homepage.
Wow, that was quick! It was not there earlier today.

Tony Ostinato

Active Member
Its one plugin i'm really still beginning to learn, with all the expander and gate functions.


I own the Fairchild and am still demo-ing the Precision Multiband and regular Precission Limiter. So far I really like PLim for its fairly unobtrusive sound on a master and ease of use (I'm a compulsive tweaker, so the LESS knobs the better, otherwise I'll never finish anything :)

What applications do you think the Multiband excels at ?


The PMB is the only multiband I've found myself using regularly. The main reason is the parallel compression function, which I've found very helpful when trying to dial in the right amount of multiband. Even without the parallel function, I've found the PMB doesnt mess too much with the image if used conservatively. However, it is a powerful tool with deep functionality and could easily cause havoc if used without good knowledge of the principles involved. This is not a \"point and click\" tool! Every parameter must be carefully tuned and the user really has to pay attention - you cant turn your back on this plugin. It can work well as a de-esser, has an excellent (and intuitive) GUI design and the compression algorithms are good. The only problem I've encountered has been related to graphics overhead.




if only UA could add the option to turn PMB in a single FULL band compressor (like the Waves's L3...although it doesn't include Attack time) for those time when we need a pristine single band compressor with a fully customizable Attack & Release time like on some very important individual tracks, subgroups & even on the 2 buss Master Fader

BTW, I have already asked UA support for this option BUT don't hesitate to send e-mails to them too so the more we are the more chance will be to see it sooner than later !

TIA for that, guys & gals !!!


In a nutshell, what function does a multiband compressor have? I know you can compress certain frequencies with it but thats all the understanding I have of it at the moment. I know I know. Do a search you dumb ass, and I will.


hmm, this is strange. a lot of people don't seem to like the PMB but to me it sounds quite good. granted i haven't compared it to a lot of mb's out there. basically i think it sounds warmer than ozone, and a little easier to tweak and monitor. or is the graphic interface just playing tricks on me? i used the demo a lot on vocals. some might say, what's to multiband-compress on vocals? i dont really know, but i used it to take some very offensive mid frequencies that built up in some parts of the song. worked pretty well too.

if i had the money the plugs that id buy right away as an addition to my ultra are the 1073, PMB and roland dimension. that'll keep me happy for a while.


chingon said:
In a nutshell, what function does a multiband compressor have? I know you can compress certain frequencies with it but thats all the understanding I have of it at the moment. I know I know. Do a search you dumb ass, and I will.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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