The Precision Multiband requires a large processing buffer to perform its
sonic wonders. This buffer results in a significantly larger latency than other
UAD-1 plugins. This is not normally an issue because the Precision Multiband
is designed to be used for program material on the output bus, where latency
is not a consideration. However, if the Precision Multiband is used elsewhere
in the signal chain AND the host does NOT automatically compensate for latency
at that point in the signal chain, the latency must be manually compensated.
Note: Compensating for Precision Multiband latency is not required if the host
application supports “full delay compensation” throughout the entire signal
path, OR when it is used only on the outputs.
The Precision Multiband requires a large processing buffer to perform its
sonic wonders. This buffer results in a significantly larger latency than other
UAD-1 plugins. This is not normally an issue because the Precision Multiband
is designed to be used for program material on the output bus, where latency
is not a consideration. However, if the Precision Multiband is used elsewhere
in the signal chain AND the host does NOT automatically compensate for latency
at that point in the signal chain, the latency must be manually compensated.
Note: Compensating for Precision Multiband latency is not required if the host
application supports “full delay compensation” throughout the entire signal
path, OR when it is used only on the outputs.
This above quote is taken from the Manual.
I am at present working on a project in Cubase SX3.1 with lowest latency setting. I added the PMB on the output stage just before the PL. I then need to add some midi tracks, and discovered that the latency was very poor. This was solved by turning off the PMB for the time being. As I was only using it on the Output, why was there a latency problem?