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Pro Tools 7.4 POOF!!!! UH OH!


New Member
here it goes...

on an instrument channel insert one instance of guru 1.5.11 then insert the 1081. create another inst. channel. hit play and load up guru on the second instrument channel and BAM...GONE. PT displays the following error and points to the 1081.

any ideas..


New Member
oops...forgot the error


I tried to put the full error file up here but it was too big and I got odd characters when it posted


I've been running on 7.4 HD with my 2 UAD-1 card's flawlessly since it came out.When I received the \"access violation\" in past version's it was alway's do to plug's that needed to be updated to the most current version.


New Member
hmmm...could be Guru then...i've posted up on the fxpansion page re: this. funny as PT points to which ever UAD plug is instantiated as the core to the prob. Though I know for sure that it's Guru bringing it down.

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