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Pro Tools LE & delay comp?


New Member
Does anyone know of an easier way to compensate for UAD dsp delay when using it in conjunction with PT LE? Each time i add a plugin to a track the delay goes up by 3071 samples....thats almost 10000 samples for three plugs on a single track!

I have been nudging the files back to compensate but its becoming a massive hassle!! Plus I can't use the plugins on aux channels because I the original track and aux track are out of sync!

Any help would be appreciated.




New Member
Delay comp in PT LE 7

Although I haven't tried it yet, Digi threw a bone to the UAD-1 and Powercore users in version 7 with a delay comp plug, which is really just another form of the UAD-1 one as far as I can tell. The idea, I guess, is to examine the latency of the track you're trying to compensate for (by control-clicking/command-clicking on the track's 'vol' display at the bottom of the mix window) and then set the plug accordingly. I usually add the UAD plugs on mults rather than on individual tracks. It's a real pain, and I think at the very least Digi should have offered automatic delay comp as part of its new producer bundle.
UAD Bundle Month