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Problem with Precision Multiband


Hi, I've just installed 4.1 version and I've enabled the demo of the Multiband Limiter. When I instantiate the plug-in on the master track in ProTools 7 LE I get a strange thing: the audio on the Left and the Right channels are delayed, that is on the right I hear the original unprocessed signal, and on the left I hear the processed signal with a small delay (like a slapback echo). How can I solve this problem? I wanted to try the limiter tonight on a mastering project before buying it, please help!

Thank you




Hi, I've got the Digi002 system; I've already tried all the latency (playback buffer) settings, from 64 to 1024, but nothing changes, the right channel delayed is unprocessed and the left is processed but delayed... any other ideas?




Active Member
Do you have the same problem with a different track? Try to open another UA plug in, such the pulteq eq, across the main output you and see if u get the same problem.


Problem only with Multiband limiter

Hi, dusty. The other plugs work fine on the master track; the problem exists only with the Precision Multiband Limiter. Besides, I also tried it on a mono track and I can hear a delayed signal \"under\" the processed signal in this situation too! I can't really figure out what I'm doing wrong...


Active Member
Ok.. Try this:

Have you checked the PMB mix knob? maybe you have some kind of \"latency\" between the processed and unprocessed signal.. Also don't forget that the PMB is quite heavy plug(25% with 2 cards installed on a dual 1.8 g5 with pci slot).. Try to open another song, set the latency to 1024 and run one instance of the PMB across the stereo out. Make sure that the mix knob is all the way to the right and check the UAD cpu meter.
Otherwise try to uninstall the uad software, repair permission, install it again, repair permission and reboot.

Hope this help you to fix the problem.



Hi, I tried your suggestions (check mix knob, re-install and repair permissions), but the problem is still there... This situation is rather ridiculous... any other ideas? The time limit for the demo is running out...


Active Member
At this point i think you should contact the UA mac support. Explain that you couldn't fully demo the PMB plug in, they might do something for you.
It's kinda weird that the problem occur only with the PMB..
Let me know if they fix it.



Ok, I'll contact them as soon as they're back from holidays. Thanks again for your support, I'll let you know if UA support can fix this problem.
Have a nice day :D


New Member
this must be a VST/RTAS wrapper thing with ProTools buffersizes. Its noted that Prescision MultiBand uses a larger buffer due to its complicated processing asd the other UA plugs so some host could shw problems. in your case theres the wrapper in between as well - so i guess the RTAS wrapper settings must be changed to a larger setting and you have to rewrap everything again - try it and report to us

its a basic problem of RTAS design which FXpansion can only adress partitionally in current wrapper - try to get on the beta team for VST-RTAS wrapper 2 as this will adress some of those things better AFAIK


I'll try...

Hi headz, the buffer size in the wrapper and in ProTools is already set at 1024, so I can't increase it anymore. However, I'll try to get the beta from FXPansion, I'll let you know if this solves the problem.

Thank you

John Cuniberti

New Member
NeoAle73 said:
Hi, I've just installed 4.1 version and I've enabled the demo of the Multiband Limiter. When I instantiate the plug-in on the master track in ProTools 7 LE I get a strange thing: the audio on the Left and the Right channels are delayed, that is on the right I hear the original unprocessed signal, and on the left I hear the processed signal with a small delay (like a slapback echo). How can I solve this problem? I wanted to try the limiter tonight on a mastering project before buying it, please help!

Thank you

This is not a UA problem. The problem is with ProTools 7LE / 002. Go to the Digi download page and download (Pro Tools HD 7.1cs3 update for Mac OS X 10.4 added January 13, 2006) It will also fix an automation problem.
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