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Pros of magma


Active Member
I understand that a pci extension will give you room to house multiple UAD cards, but what other benefits does this gear deliver( not theoretically, for sure, please)? Total noob to magma, can't find ANYTHING via search or secondary search method(which works for me as poorly as the UAD search engine,unfortunately).
Please advise, need best way to reduce/end cpu munching and give my UAD card some help, it runs 90%ish+ all the time. Thanks - Shep


Established Member
its a one trick pony.
It gives you more pci slots and 2 more fans in your room to make more noise.
That's it.

Matt Hepworth

Master of the UADiverse
Forum Admin
Shep, did you upgrade to SONAR 6.2 yet? That seems to have really addressed the munching issue. I usually end up freezing a couple tracks in SONAR (especially those with 1176LN's) to free up a bit of CPU resource. It's not ideal, but it's not a bad way to go either.
saemskin said:
its a one trick pony.
It gives you more pci slots and 2 more fans in your room to make more noise.
That's it.
Actually it can hold harddrives too!


Active Member
Thanks for the offer. Seems reasonable, but - A DAW builder looked at my whole system, and suggests UAD card #2 ahead of most any other aquisition. Mo $,Mo $...
BUT I GOTTA DO IT, before the DAW cops put me on death row for murder.


With the 13 slot Magma I have all my 4 UADs on one IRQ. In a very full machine, this is often a real benefit.


UAD Bundle Month