• Welcome to the General Discussion forum for UAD users!

    Please note that this forum is user-run, although we're thrilled to have so much contribution from Drew, Will, and other UA folks!

    Feel free to discuss both UAD and non-UAD related subjects!

    1) Please do not post technical issues here. Please use our UAD Support Forums instead.

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    Threads posted in the wrong forum will be moved, so if you don't see your thread here anymore, please look in the correct forum.

    Lastly, please be respectful.

ProTools HD2 and UAD-1


Active Member
I'm currently running a 7.2 ProTools HD2 accel rig with an Avid expansion chassis loaded with two UAD-1 cards and a PowerCore MK II. Current host cpu is a Dual 2.3 gig Mac.
Things are fairly stable but on occasion there's a bit of odd behavior regarding buffer settings and ADC.
If anyone else is running Digi TDM/UAD hybrid systems I'd love to compare some notes via email or phone.
Just trying to get to the optimal configuration for this combo.
UAD Bundle Month