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Pultec pro


New Member
I just recieved this 50$ voucher from UA. I wasn't really planning on buying any plugin but since the Pultec pro is only 79$ I tought it would be a nice cheap addition to my UAD plugins. I like the way the Pultec EQP-1A sounds so I was wondering if you think the MEQ-5 is a worthy addition to it. Offcourse at the price I will be paying I can't really go wrong.


Although it's sure worth the 79$ (actualy more) the EQP-1A is the main fun. But if you have all the other plugins you want from ua then go and get, you won't regret it.

Big Harpe

Active Member
Great idea. I bought it also, however, the online store failed me for the first time. I entered my credit card info., (yes it is good), and my invoice listed my payment method as Check/Money Order, What happened??
I'm a big fan of the pultec and will be purchasing the full version soon as well. I decided this time on the plate 140. Beautiful sounding reverb.


Big Harpe said:
Great idea. I bought it also, however, the online store failed me for the first time. I entered my credit card info., (yes it is good), and my invoice listed my payment method as Check/Money Order, What happened??
This happened to me one time when I was purchasing the Precsion EQ.
I had checked the CC box and entered my credit card info and completed my transaction. Usually, once confirmed, a short while later I am able to download an updated authorization file to activate my new plugin. This particular time, my order status stayed at "Pending", for hours on end, until I took a closer look at the invoice and found the payment method listed as "Check/Money Order", WTF! There is no way to delete a pending order, as a customer, so I just went ahead and created a new order and ignored the pending one. I had the order in "Pending" status for over a year, :) until I finally notified UA customer support about what had happened and that they should permanantly delete it. Which is what you will have to do too.
I think I figured out what happened with the first order. If after you check the CC box and fill out the CC information and you go back to change anything on the order (or even click back to a previous web page), it will default back to a "Check/Money Order". It happened once before and I caught it right before I hit the "Submit" button.

Big Harpe

Active Member
Thanks Billy. Well, the saga continues... I emailed online support about this and got a response. They said

You can simply place a new order.
I have deleted the other order
A new coupon was issued
-Universal Audio\"

My old coupon isn't valid anymore, (1 use only), and I never received my \"New Coupon\". I replied once again and now I am stuck in Limbo waiting for it. What a bummer! I don't want to sound obsessive, but I want to play with my toys when I buy them. I'll just wait and see what they say.

Thanks for the heads up when I go to re-purchase.

Big Harpe

Active Member
djsynchro said:
Got the Pultec Pro as well for $29 you can't go wrong. It sounds creamy! (whatever that means)
Another favorite of Tony's is: "It sounds 'ORGANIC'" Creamy, delicious, warm, cool, hot, bitchin' - whatever it takes.


If you like what the base Pultec, you'll really like the MEQ part of the Pultec Pro. It's really handy for shaping up bass and guitar tracks. I use it for that all the time.


I bought the pultec pro with my voucher after reading this thread. I figured for $29 I can't go wrong. I've been using the cambridge for most of my eq needs and now after using the pultec pro i'm really diggin it. Its a bit smoother and not as harsh as the cambridge. I actually didn't know the cambridge had some harshness until i used the pultec pro.


chingon said:
I bought the pultec pro ... I've been using the cambridge for most of my eq needs and now after using the pultec pro i'm really diggin it. Its a bit smoother and not as harsh as the cambridge. I actually didn't know the cambridge had some harshness until i used the pultec pro.
This is the same reaction I had. This is why I like it for smoothing off a DI'ed distorted guitar track -- to get rid of the "fizzies." The Pultec-Pro smooth it off the way a cabinet speaker would.


Established Member
ed_mcg said:
This is the same reaction I had. This is why I like it for smoothing off a DI'ed distorted guitar track -- to get rid of the "fizzies." The Pultec-Pro smooth it off the way a cabinet speaker would.
Can you pass on some guideline settings that you use to do this?

H :)


Horse said:
ed_mcg said:
This is the same reaction I had. This is why I like it for smoothing off a DI'ed distorted guitar track -- to get rid of the "fizzies." The Pultec-Pro smooth it off the way a cabinet speaker would.
Can you pass on some guideline settings that you use to do this?

H :)
The guitar fizzies are at 4k and above. Set the high end attenuation to the 5K level (on the lower portion) start adjusting the attenuation amount to taste, usually about the 9 o'clock position is enough.

Also, using the low end attenuation works well to get rid of some of the muddy chunk of a hi-gain setting, set to the 100Hz position and start attenuating. It's best to do this in the mix conext, since that chunk may sound good with the guitar solo'ed.

Last thing to play with is a cut at 700Hz, a little dip there can make room for vocals. Adjust as you see fit.

For bass, I like to cut at either 200Hz or 300Hz, each has a distinct advantage. For fretless bass add in some at 500Hz to give it more of the "mwah" sound.
UAD Bundle Month