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Ramsa WRS840 / WRS4400


Active Member
Hey Hey!

Anyone here have experience with/opinions about these old consoles in terms of usefulness in a project studio?

I might have a line on a WRS4400 in the 24 x 4 x 2 configuration.

I've got plenty of experience with a 52 input WRS840 in a live FOH situation, but haven't used it in a studio context.

I'm just thinking, hey, maybe I could utilize this 24 x 4 version for it's Pres or for mixing out of the box. But where would these pres fall in terms of quality, warmth, clarity, noise, etc.?

Thanks for any tips...


Giles117 DP

Active Member
Ramsa??? Limited HEadroom... YEEECH!!!!!!

I hate to see an 840 on a show the SX-1 was cool, the older ramsas were ok for live (barely)

They never distorted nicely and lacked headroom.

The Ramsa SX-1 was the fix for all the old ramsa problems

I'd spend my money on a Midas Venice. clean pre's warm, etc.. the ramsas were dull to my ears....
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