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Recommended PCI Latency Timer Setting

Hi there,
What's the recommended PCI Latency Timer Setting for UAD Cards.
I sometimes get White Noise Bursts, so was thinking of changing my UAD PCI Latency Timer Settings. They're currently on 32.

Is there a UAD word on this subject of the optimum Latency Timer Setting to use in the BIOS?



See Mark Knutson Double Dawg website if you dont know what i'm going on about (i'm sure many of you do thou!)


Venerated Member
Sound card (or FireWire controller, if fw interface)= 192
Graphic card= 64
Every thing else can be set to 32 or 0

You can play around with these numbers.
But follow the order of priority, listed above.


p.s- that doubledawg program seems to be corrupted.
Last time I downloaded it, it froze my PC. Every time I tried to run the program.
YMMV, though.
thanks for the note, this is really helpful.

double dawg seemed to work well on my computer. My thought is, i reckon the guy who made it mainly made it for himself (ie there's been no updates on it since 04), so not surprised there's conflicts going on.. It's a useful interface, i dont really understand the BIOS, so probably not good I go poking around in there!!



Hall of Fame Member
hey Kej!!!! Thank you so much!

From that article:

If your audio device does not use bus-mastered DMA (e.g. M-Audio's Delta series, and any USB audio IO), you should either reduce the maximum PCI latency timer values of your devices (i.e. set your DSP cards to 32 or 64, and everything else lower than that), or increase the PCI latency timer value in the system BIOS to give the USB driver software higher priority.

Well... I have a Delta 44 and I sometimes get glitches way before the CPU or the 2 UAD's are at their limit... currently I have the UAD's at 128 and the Delta and the video card at 32, loaded the UAD's to 93% (!) in an arrangement that was glitching a little on the loop jump with both UAD's loaded to a bit over 50%.... gotta do more testing and tweaking but so far it seems tight!!!

Delta owners with glitches: Try UAD's at 64 or higher and everything else LOWER.

:D :D :D
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