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Recording The Beatles: Great resource for UAD plug info


Established Member

Got this thing as a gift a couple of weeks ago. Sure it's more expensive than my 1st used car, but as a resource for lovers of vintage comps/eqs/mics/etc? It's the shiznit.

Aside from this, it may be the most beautiful book I've actually ever touched.

Try checking it out if you can.


Agree with everything you just said. I've read this book from cover to cover and am about to start reading it again!

With all the talk about not running high amounts of UAD-1 Neve plugs, that book really opened my eyes to how to do alot with the gear you have!


Active Member
Suntower said:
Sure it's more expensive than my 1st used car.
And shipping to Sweden is $50! It must be heavier than your first used car as well.



Established Member
However it's also a testimony to it's value and staying power.

Oh wait, you were being sarcasticated......well make mine a pint.

Paul Woodlock

Established Member
A friend of mine has the book. It's heavy, well made and superbly printed. Something I shall get eventually.
UAD Bundle Month