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Roland phaser/flanger...the next uad plugs?


If you read the last fanzine issue you will find a topic about flanger and phaser in the \"ask the doctor\" section.... I hope this is a hint to what's comming!

I say yes please to a virtual PH830 stereo phaser and a SBF 325 flanger...

Paul Woodlock

Established Member
I'd like them to model the Roland SVC-350 vocoder.

I've got a real one, but a plugin version would be real versatile, and sound great :)


Active Member
Flanger and phaser will be reallyhard to get right. I would think some upsampling would be needed. It's one of the effects that shout digital when done in software.

I have an Oakley Equinox phaser that is so rich, but I would love a vsti one.


Active Member
A good flanger is probably the only thing missing in my plug-in folder. Is the Voxengo vintage modulator any good?

I hope no-one has missed the Nigel phaser, pretty cool me think!

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