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SBS Expansion chassis (for PCIe to PCI)


New Member
So UAD recommend the SBS chassis for PCIe to PCI conversion (webzine archives). Anyone here used one? If so, PLEASE can you tell me where you got it 'cause trying to buy one in the UK in a nightmare. It's like the UK distributors really don't want to sell them!!
Yours hopefully,


Active Member

have you looked at the Magma PCIe host > 4 Slot PCI chassis?

I use it with a PCI-X adapter (i have the PCIe card ready for when i upgrade to a mac pro) and it works fine.



Active Member

have you looked at the Magma PCIe host > 4 Slot PCI chassis?

I use it with a PCI-X adapter (i have the PCIe card ready for when i upgrade to a mac pro) and it works fine.



Active Member
SUBPEHIFX1: x1 PCI Express® host card option


New Member
Hi James,
Thanks for taking the time to post. I was avoiding the Magma chassis as UA were not recommending the Magma for PCIe to PCI. I already have a Magma for PCI-X to PCI (for my current G5) but the UA stuff suggests that there will be problems when I need to use PCIe to PCI. :-((
This is why I'm trying so hard to find a decent source for the SBS (that UA recommends) over here in the UK.
After numerous emails to the UK distributor (they are now owned by GE Fanuc) I get evasive answers on price, spec and shipping cost (they tell me the cost per Kilo and ask me to work out the price..err like I'll know the weight better than them!). UA seem to think it was easy buying one in the US so I'm trying to find someone who'll recommend a reliable supplier in the US and get my Pro Audio dealer to order from them. I can't understand why GE Fanuc are working so hard to avoid taking business off Magma? I've been chasing them to sell me something and they are fobbing me off!!!
Oh well....
I sincerely hope UA are wrong about problems with the Magma when used with PCIe, especially for you as you are ready to go, Magma wise. Please let me know how it works out for you when you get your PCIe mac?
Many Thanks,
UAD Bundle Month