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SE Reflexion Filter


Established Member
Yo guys,

Anyone have any experience with this thing?

I've rearranged the house so I've lost the use of the alcove that served as my 'vocal booth' (sorry but I just can't see people recording in my bedroom, skeeves me out).

This thing seems like it could do the trick, but it could also be a bunch of marketing guy hype. check it out -




Established Member
scott -

gotcha, so what do you think a good DIY alternative would be? goddamn, me and my ethics. I won't just sneak people into work...



Venerated Member
Check out the Auralex MAX-Wall Kits. You can try and make these yourself. Pretty self explanatory.

Mainly having some moving blankets and stuff to hang them on is the best way.

A buddy of mine got kicked out of his apartment, by his girlfriend for cheating. So he kept and still keeps his Queen size mattress and box spring at my space. So I some times I use those to make a vocal boof or i' stack them on their side and lean them against the back wall, behind my mix station for a killer bass trap. People forget those things are lind with wool. ha!

Also: Bruce Swedien makes his one isolation stuff...look for some of his pointers on the web.

see here: http://www.gearslutz.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=82


Sadly, left this world before his time.
imdrecordings said:
A buddy of mine got kicked out of his apartment, by his girlfriend for cheating.
Man, I love your attention to detail! :lol:

Matt, I believe that you could get a few slabs of the most dense and thickest rockwool (rigid fiberglass in the States?) you can find, wrap it with the fabric of your choice (you should be able to breath through it in order to determine if it's suitable - unless you go straight for some of the expensive stuff) and put it on DIY wooden stands. I'd also advise you to use some horticultural fleece in between the fabric and the rockwool, in order to prevent fibers from passing through to the air (you don't want itchy singers... :p).

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
The Reflexion Filter & Max Wall stuff is good for people that need solutions that can be repositioned around the room or that want something that looks more professional than most home made things. Functionally, I can't see anything about the Reflexion Filter that would make it work any better than simply hanging foam pieces or blankets but it looks a lot more flash & makes it possible to make eye contact with singers. Where the thing shines is in a room that is already treated, where you're just trying to deaden things a bit more when cutting vocals (saving studios from having to build separate vocal booths) as opposed to trying to solve severe reflection or noise problems.


Active Member
Hey Matt,

I,ve been using some rock wool panels set on empty guitar stands around the vocal position. It's working pretty good until I can get the rest of my room treated. Check out ATS Acoustics. They have the best prices so far. Check out the raw materiels section, they have both OC#703 and mineral wool, the latter at $36.00 for a box of six panels.


Established Member
Thanks Eric,

I just got my room treated and wanted to get one of these and your post says it would help then it would help! Strange thing.... after getting my room done, if I make a quick sound (yell) there is a like a metallic ting sound. Maybe heater vent?

Having a dead vocal (no reflections) and adding them through plugs is the key right?

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
How big is the room? How has the room been treated? If the room is relatively small, the ringing could be your voice bouncing off parallel walls. Then again, it could just as easily be from any metal hardware such as gear, vents, or even your mic stands, I hate to say. You'll probably want to treat that first because a Reflexion Filter may not help that much (if at all! :().


Established Member
:( that sucks. Room is about 10x12 maybe a little bigger. Heating/AC vent (small though). Shit. Do I just cover the the vent with something. LOL!!! Acoustic treatment was supposed to help

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
Sure, try covering or putting weather stripping around the grill first. I'd try knocking on all the different surfaces around the room, too, to see what else might be resonating. Unfortunately, the room is small enough that it could still very well be at fault.


Established Member
I covered the vent and still hear it. I hear more so when I face wall close behind my monitors but it's there slightly in general. Like a 1/4second delay, sound is like a when u rub a wine glass with water on rim. I spent $1500 on my room to tighten it up which it is but this sucks. Can I get someone to come out and give consultation? I live in Los Angeles area.

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
Given how much you've already put into the room, you probably don't want to pay to have the JRR acoustics guy drive up but I wouldn't mind giving it a quick look the next time I'm in town. I usually come up every weekend, anyway.

Sid Chigger

Forum Admin
Here's an group of pics of the DIY "solutions" I've done over these last few years.. They aren't in order chronologically though..
[url="http://s96.photobucket.com/a...6.photobucket.com/albums/l188/ ... Solutions/[/url]

The 1st incarnation was the Reflection Filter looking one that's hung off a mic stand.. Made of 2" foam, coat hangers and bailing wire..

The second incarnation were made of 2" foam, PVC pipe and cable ties..

The third incarnation (current) made of wooden frames 1/4" backerboard, owens corning 703, cheap fabric and Cedar stands.. All of them help, but they are not better than having a properly treated room.. That said, most of us can't have a properly treated room and have to "make do"..

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