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Selling UAD-1 and transferring licenses...who's done it?



I built a new DAW earlier this year and bought 2 new PCIe cards for it. I want to sell my old PCI card but want to make sure I'm understanding the ALL or NONE license transfer correctly.

If I sell my original Mackie PCI card and select NONE on the license transfer sheet, will the new buyer at least get the plugs that came with it?
The original included plugs were:

1176LN, LA-2A, RealVerb Pro, CS-1 channel, Pultec, and Nigel.

Thanks :D


I've not done it yet, but as far as I understood the system you'd sell the naked card with the standart plugins only, projectpak-style. So the buyer won't get 1176LN and LA-2A licensed. Realverb, CS1, Nigel etc. are part of the ProjektPak.


Active Member
I bought two new PCIe cards and sold one of my PCI cards a month ago.

All cards get the \"basic\" plugs, so you don't really transfer those plugs...

Or, you can choose to sell ALL your plugs.


Active Member
marQs said:
So the buyer won't get 1176LN and LA-2A licensed. Realverb, CS1, Nigel etc. are part of the ProjektPak.
That's not completely true. There is the "all or nothing" describe above, but if you sell a Mackie card, the user also will get the two additional plugins LA-2A and 1176LN. And as a special bonus, you still have them in your account, even if the Mackie card is gone. Believe me, I did this half a year ago. The new owner and me, we both have these two compressors now.


marQs said:
I've not done it yet, but as far as I understood the system you'd sell the naked card with the standart plugins only, projectpak-style. So the buyer won't get 1176LN and LA-2A licensed. Realverb, CS1, Nigel etc. are part of the ProjektPak.

That is correct. If you sell a naked UAD-1 card it is essentially treated as a Project Pak and you get the basic plugin suite that automatically comes license free with every version of UAD-1 software (Realverb, CS1, Nigel, Pultec & 1176SE).


Holly said:
That's not completely true. There is the "all or nothing" describe above, but if you sell a Mackie card, the user also will get the two additional plugins LA-2A and 1176LN. And as a special bonus, you still have them in your account, even if the Mackie card is gone. Believe me, I did this half a year ago. The new owner and me, we both have these two compressors now.
Yes, that is good to know. That makes a Mackie card a little more valuable then for the seller. Hopefully, UA does not read this thread and close that little loophole. ;)

Maybe they figured they would just grandfather us ol' Mackie owners in. :D


Yeah I didn't realize the LA2A and 1176LN that came with the Mackies are no longer available in the cheapo pak. that would have made the Mackie slightly more valuable to a seller and more desirable to a buyer.

Maybe that's why my UAD card only lasted about 30 minutes on ebay before it was sold. :eek:

$325 btw


Active Member
billybk1 said:
[Hopefully, UA does not read this thread and close that little loophole. ;)
They will not, as I asked them before selling the card and I got this information. :wink:


Kyle Ashley 2 said:
Yeah I didn't realize the LA2A and 1176LN that came with the Mackies are no longer available in the cheapo pak. that would have made the Mackie slightly more valuable to a seller and more desirable to a buyer.

Maybe that's why my UAD card only lasted about 30 minutes on ebay before it was sold. :eek:

$325 btw
Yeah, you just saved the buyer $298 bucks ($149 for each plugin), Basically paid for the card itself. Still $325 for what is probably at least a 3 year old or more PCI card is not bad at all. One thing I have noticed, unlike most other computer related gear the UAD-1 cards tend to really hold their value over time.

BTW, I am not trying to rub it in. I would have probably done the same thing if I had sold my Mackie card too. ;)


I'm happy with $325....the highest completed auction for one on ebay was $357 last week. and you're right, for computer peripherals, they hold the value OK.

One thing is that I wanted to sell before UA announces the next generation card and further dilutes the value of the old PCIs. (altho that announcement is loooooonnngg overdue!!)


Kyle Ashley 2 said:
Yeah I didn't realize the LA2A and 1176LN that came with the Mackies are no longer available in the cheapo pak. that would have made the Mackie slightly more valuable to a seller and more desirable to a buyer.

Maybe that's why my UAD card only lasted about 30 minutes on ebay before it was sold. :eek:

$325 btw
After I got my new PCIe Express Pak last week I decided to put my Mackie card (sans plugins) up on ebay. The 7 day auction just ended and the winning bid was over five benjamins. It was a lot more than I was expecting, but I'll take it. :D


Active Member
guys... i have now a project pack... and got (bought as extra) the LA-2A Fairchild and the 88RS :)D:D:D)

my question is... if i now buy a bigger card (like... the Ultra pack or the extreme pack)
and install it with my old card... will i have all the plugs from the Ultra pack down on the project pack???


if i get 1 Ultra pack and 3 project pack... will all the plugs from the Ultra will license on the project packs as well?


Active Member
elram said:
guys... i have now a project pack... and got (bought as extra) the LA-2A Fairchild and the 88RS :)D:D:D)

my question is... if i now buy a bigger card (like... the Ultra pack or the extreme pack)
and install it with my old card... will i have all the plugs from the Ultra pack down on the project pack???


if i get 1 Ultra pack and 3 project pack... will all the plugs from the Ultra will license on the project packs as well?
Absolutely yes
Every plugin you own works on a maximum of 4 cards (1 hardware group)
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