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Severe latency with PTLE & G5


New Member
I just bought my UAD-1 for use with a Dual 2 gig G5 & Pro Tools LE 6.4. I seem to be having severe latency issues. Can anyone shed light on this problem. Thanks
Did PTLE got auto latency compensator ??

IF answer is No ...

u got to use UAD compensator on the channel didn't put UAD plugin .....

Maybe you should read the UAD PDF with how to control latency issue.

OT: Thx GOD...DP 4.5 make me never see that compensator

anymore . :wink:


Universal Audio
UA Official
At this time, Pro Tools LE does not have any form of automatic delay compensation, so when you load a UAD-1 plugin (which have more latency than a native plug, due to the fact it is running on external hardware) that track with the UAD-1 plugin will play behind the other tracks. The solution for this is as Dragon said, is to use the DelayComp plugin which creates the same amount of latency as a regular UAD-1 plugin, this way all the other tracks have the same amount of latency and therefore all line up on playback. I would also suggest to voice your opinion to Digi on the lack of delay compensation in the LE systems (there is an implementation of it in HD systems) as it would not only benefit UAD-1/TC Poco users but also anyone using naitve plugs that have more delay (such as plugins with look-ahead or FFT analysis) as this will correct the minor phase issues that can creep up there.
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