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Solo 110/610 users, please advise me...


Is there anybody using/knowing both?

Seems, there are some good deals out there at the moment coming closer to meet my budget. To prevent me from buying the less expensive thing just for being less expensive, I'd like to ask you which could meet my needs better.

Concerning preamps I've got the ones on the Fireface 800 and the ones from my old Mackie 32/8/2 available, considering them as kind of neutral.
What I want to reach for is a \"golden\" preamp-thing, that's really really cool for tracking vocals, basses, guitar tracks. When it's drum recording, I'd use for either kick or snare top.

What would you recommend for i.e. vocals? 110 for more neutrality, 610 for more saturation? Am I right at all with those attributes? I've read the 110 sounds more tubelike than many so called tube devices out there :lol: ...



Venerated Member
Is there anybody using/knowing both?
I have both

Concerning preamps I've got the ones on the Fireface 800 and the ones from my old Mackie 32/8/2 available, considering them as kind of neutral.
What I want to reach for is a \"golden\" preamp-thing, that's really really cool for tracking vocals, basses, guitar tracks.
I like the 610 for all of these. By the looks of what you have, I'd say the 610. Also, some times the 610 was too dark/mushy sounding for a vocal and I prefered the 110.

When it's drum recording, I'd use for either kick or snare top.
110 is better for this stuff .
What would you recommend for i.e. vocals?
110 for more neutrality, 610 for more saturation? Am I right at all with those attributes? I've read the 110 sounds more tubelike than many so called tube devices out there
Well, they both saturate. I like them both. :D If I were you, I'd get the Solo610. Looks like you could use a good tube pre. But I'd highly consider finding a way to get both.

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
Agreed on the 610, plus it'd be a bigger contrast to your decent Mackie pre's.


Thanx for joining in, guys! Things are getting clearer here. Am I right to think, the 610 will make the greater difference compared to my standard pre's?

Could you describe the charakter of both units a little further for me?


Venerated Member
well... hmmmm
They sound totally different.
110 is very modern sounding. (what ever that means)
610 is darker, fuzzier with a sweet shimmer to th e high-end. Great for things like acoustic guitar, Overheads... Vocals.... whatever. They really are worlds apart.


Hmmm, IMD, as you said I should get both anyway... there's a deal from britain on the bay, running for another few days - an ex-demo unit Solo 110 for ~500 Euros (~800 new here in Germany). I'm really tempted just to get it now and add a 610 later.

Guess you can't help me with my decision, but thanx a lot so far for your first hand infos! Looks like whatever I'll buy, I can't do anything wrong 8)


Recently - over the day - my wife found me surfin' on gear investments :roll:
...late night -I made a 110-deal to very good conditions (which means there is even some money left :wink: ).

So I'm waiting for the postman :D
Should you have a wife and a budget, better visit an internet café when buying online :mrgreen:


Hehe, got the box today (110)! Did some rudimental tests only with a matched pair of MK-012s (nearly identical positions), comparing it to the Fireface 800 pre's (levelmatched) - really nice tone! I'm curious how this will affect the next production...
The other good thing I discovered was that the FF-preamps can't be that bad, sounding close to the 110 with lower gain settings :D So I'm set for a while playing around with new toys... thanx once more for all your tips and insights!
Hi guys,
since you're writing about pre-amp, I hope that my intervention will help some people. In my little studio I own a Chandler Germanium. So in order to have something complimentary, what would be the best buy?

Thanks !

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
Sirius_black said:
Hi guys,
since you're writing about pre-amp, I hope that my intervention will help some people. In my little studio I own a Chandler Germanium. So in order to have something complimentary, what would be the best buy?
A 610 is always a good choice since it is not only a great sounding preamp but is also very unique in its character. On the other hand, since the Germanium is itself so unique and specialized, a general purpose pre like an API or Focusrite may be a better option.
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