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Solo 110 re-amping question


Hello boys and (maybe) girls!

There's a little budget for new stuff here and I'm thinking about buying the missing link... Solo 110! One thing's a bit unclear for me, perhaps you already-users of the 110 can clear my thoughts in this point.

What's the concept of the DI thru connection? I know, it can be used as a re-amping/signal split device while recording.
But does it also help to feed an amp properly (correct impedance) when I'm going to play a previously recorded \"naked\" guitar track throug it from my soundcard?


Matt Hepworth

Master of the UADiverse
Forum Admin
No, it will not help you reamplify your guitar from a line level output from your interface.

Check out the Radial X-Amp.


I actually hoped, it would work. Both devices are not in my budget, but luckily there's an x-amp in the local \"gear pool\" (which is hard to get sometimes, cause everyone needs one...).

Thanx for the info, Matt!
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