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Sonar and UAD problems?


For those who have been posting about err 21 problems w/ Sonar and UAD-1, try replacing ALL of the UAD instances with Directx. So far, this is working on my system. I always used VST because that seeems to be the general concesus, but up till this point it looks like directx might be the way to go for me. This of course, rules out UAD 4.1.
I'll keep you posted to see, if indeed, in the long run this solves the err 21 problem.
This absolutely solved all my problems to date!!!!!

I have followed the UAD-1 recomendations to the letter and could never get a stable system no matter what I did. Then I switched all my plugs from the VST versions to the Direct X versions and EVERYTHING finally worked!!!
Now my system runs for 15-20 hours on end with absolutely NO hickups and is rock solid. Go figure?!
I am horrified to hear their disscontinuation of the Direct X format. I hope they re-consider this for those of us using ( or trying to ) any of the Sonar products.


Still working for me too.

Just wanted to report that I've been hitting it pretty hard since I changed all of my instances of UAD-1 plugs from VST to DXI and so far, so good. Not one single problem.


Sonar 5.1 and UAD-1 V4.0 vs. V4.1

I'm having luck using UAD V4.0 VST plugins with Sonar 5 PE 5.0.1 - my host CPU is going nuts though. I seem to be able to temporarily lower host CPU if during playback I disable and then re-enable UAD from the UAD front panel - my host CPU then improves sigificantly (i.e from 86% to 8 %). I believe this is a TurboDMA issue that is apparently effecting Sonar 4.x to 5.x if using a Intel hyperthreading processor (such as I am).

from UAD-1 technical notes (scroll 1/3 down page):

http://www.uaudio.com/support/software/ ... eswin.html

\"(TurboDMA) Most systems will experience increased or identical performance in version 4.x with the new TurboDMA mode. Some systems may encounter new performance issues with version 4.x such as higher host CPU load, dropouts, or glitches in disk rendering. In this scenario, the TurboDMA feature can be disabled with a special registry key provided by UA technical support which will revert performance back to version 3.9.0 levels under version 4.x\"

If anyone can please explain the procedure and supply the registry code for turning off TurboDMA, I'd be much obliged! I have found the registry key, but I don't understand how to apply it to change the registry.

Meanwhile........ UAD V 4.1 gives me err=21 messages with all VST plugins and no DXI, so unstable that I can't use it. It'll run fer awhile and then...KaBOOM!!!Opening the multiband makes it even worse. I've tried quite a few different things to try to get 4.1 to work but it doesn't.

Perhaps this is a bug in Version UAD-1 4.0 and 4.1 that UAD can and hopefully will fix or UAD's move to stop DXI support also means UAD-1 V4.1 was never intended to work with Sonar 5.x.

If you read between the lines - note that Cakewalk isn't listed under the V4.1 VST supported hosts (click link below).............. WTF?????? (am I missing something?) Does this mean if I stay with Sonar 5 I can't use higher than UAD-1 V.4.0?


Man, I was ready to ante-up for another card so I can throw on more Fairchilds and Pultec-pro's, but hmmmm....????
I Emailed UA about this and they said \"No Go\" on the Direct X. I beleive they are betting they can dump the entire Sonar user base in hopes of replacing it with the TDM user base. Sorry to say, its not gonna happen. WAY to many great plugs on the TDM system for UA to make up that kind of market share. This is a foolish and short sighted move on UA's part.
If UA actually made and effort to support a WORKING vst setup in Sonar, they would stand a much better chance of selling more units.


Thanks to everyone for their help. I was able to change the registry with the patch. It however made no difference. I just can't run UAD-1 V4.1 on my system.

I'm getting now that Sonar 5 isn't supported by UAD-1 versions greater than 4.0. I don't understand why UA would do that.

Erik Nygaard

New Member
yaknski said:
Thanks to everyone for their help. I was able to change the registry with the patch. It however made no difference. I just can't run UAD-1 V4.1 on my system.

I'm getting now that Sonar 5 isn't supported by UAD-1 versions greater than 4.0. I don't understand why UA would do that.
I too had problems running both UAD and Powercore with Sonar-5,
enabling plugins would simply stop the sequencer unless I jacked the latency up to 100-150ms.
Enabling hyperhtreading made things a bit better as I can now run a fair number of plugins from both cards at low latency ca 5ms.
I've got the same MB and Sonar/UAD-versions as you.


Active Member
yaknski said:
Thanks to everyone for their help. I was able to change the registry with the patch. It however made no difference. I just can't run UAD-1 V4.1 on my system.

I'm getting now that Sonar 5 isn't supported by UAD-1 versions greater than 4.0. I don't understand why UA would do that.
Did you reboot afther the registry change (it´s needed! and installing 4.1 sets turbodma to on again)


secretworld said:
Did you reboot afther the registry change (it´s needed! and installing 4.1 sets turbodma to on again)
Secretworld -I wish it was that easy, I did reboot after changing the registry, thanks though for trying.


I'm kinda screwed here. I use Sonar 5 on my PC and Protools LE 7 on a Mac. Neither of these apps work with 4.1 and in the case of protools 7, 4.0 or greater. I guess its time for me to unload my 3 UAD cards. Freakin waste of money. I hate when companies do stuff like this.


Active Member
jaydrake said:
For those who have been posting about err 21 problems w/ Sonar and UAD-1, try replacing ALL of the UAD instances with Directx. So far, this is working on my system. I always used VST because that seeems to be the general concesus, but up till this point it looks like directx might be the way to go for me. This of course, rules out UAD 4.1.
I'll keep you posted to see, if indeed, in the long run this solves the err 21 problem.
This is really strange, becuase technically, the DX UAD plugs are just the VSTs wrapped in a wrapper OLDER than the one that comes with SONAR. In other words, UAD DIDN'T DISCONTINUE the DX plugs, they just stopped wrapping them in an old wrapper.

Now, that said, I've had exactly the same experience—that is, the old wrappers worked WAY better. Cubase, fine with VST; SONAR, much better with UAD-DX wrapped versions.

But that was until I upgraded to a dual core Opteron. Now I am screwed until I get rid of my nForce 4 board and replace it with an older model!!!

Ha ha...amusing...State of the ART DSP chip doesn't run on one of the most popular MOBO/CHIP combos, and getting more popular all the time, PLUS doesn't have native DX versions of its plugs to run on the most popular operating system in the world (I know VSTs run on Windows, but you know what I mean—DX is MS Technology)...OK, fine. (SONAR will probably continue to outsell all other host apps AND since it is heavily Microsoft integrated, will enjoy THAT relationship—I am not a Microsoft lover, but I wont bet against Microsoft and companies that have great partnerships with them).

It's enough to make a guy go Apple...except then I go over to the Mac forum...ooPS...grass is always greener... :wink:


Active Member
yaknski said:
secretworld said:
Did you reboot afther the registry change (it´s needed! and installing 4.1 sets turbodma to on again)
Secretworld -I wish it was that easy, I did reboot after changing the registry, thanks though for trying.
Stupid question, and sorry if I missed this somewhere...You DO have "Use Multi-Processing Engine" checked on the "Advanced" tab of the "Audio Options" dialog box, right?


Jeraz said:
Stupid question, and sorry if I missed this somewhere...You DO have "Use Multi-Processing Engine" checked on the "Advanced" tab of the "Audio Options" dialog box, right?
Your stupid question turned out to be the problem, so it wasn't stupid and I appreciate the feedback and thank you! Somewhere along the line the multi -processing option got disabled.

Now with turboDMA on the host CPU spikes from 10% to 60-80% and with turboDMA off all is well.

Tony Ostinato

Active Member
Since it does work fine in Cubase and Nuendo its clearly a problem in Sonars VST compatibility, I'm sure cakewalk is working on fixing it as we speak, i doubt theres much UA can do about it on their end.


Jeraz said:
Stupid question, and sorry if I missed this somewhere...You DO have "Use Multi-Processing Engine" checked on the "Advanced" tab of the "Audio Options" dialog box, right?
Good call there, Mark!

yaknski said:
Now with turboDMA on the host CPU spikes from 10% to 60-80% and with turboDMA off all is well.
Glad you got it sorted and all is well again. So will you re-install the v4.1 then? :) BTW, I am running the v4.1 update, with SONAR 5.0.1 without any new issues.


billybk1 said:
Glad you got it sorted and all is well again. So will you re-install the v4.1 then? :) BTW, I am running the v4.1 update, with SONAR 5.0.1 without any new issues.
Billy B.,

I'm running V4.1 now to test all my projects and no crashes or errors thus far <fingers, arms,legs, eyes crossed>.

With some of my projects that are heavy on the Host and UAD CPU's I'm finding I can't run the multiprocessing engine option and/or can't add any more UAD plugs because it's maxed (if I archive some tracks to reduce host and UAD CPU load then I can do both). So I'm coming to the conclusion that
1)I need another UAD card
2)New projects may behave differently (I'm gonna play around with that).
3)I can live with that

Also -
Got 2 replies from UA support today re 2 emails. I was impressed that the response time was so quick in view that UA took the week off for the holidays.

1) Emailed me the /registry key to turn off turbodma

2)Assured me UA continues to support Sonar/Cakewalk apps. (See response below).


This is an error in the messaging. We still support Sonar with our VST versions. Sorry for any confusion.


Brett "


Just got this reply from UA marketing (reassuring).

\" Dear Dave,

The following applications were accidentally omitted from the supported list when we updated the v4.1 page. This is currently being revised. These applications are now supported via VST rather than DX.

Cakewalk Sonar
Sony Vegas 6
Sony ACID Pro 5
Sony Sound Forge 8

Further details here:


We recommend the current version of the hosts above and have verified stability on Sonar in our own internal testing. If you require further technical assistance to resolve any setup issues please call us or email pcsupport@uaudio.com.

Please refer directly to our technical support rather than the forums- the UAD-1 forum is an unofficial site which we do not moderate so occasionally information or rumors posted there can be wrong as in this case.

Don't worry we fully plan to continue to work with Cakewalk & Sony to assure UAD-1 compatibility!

Best Regards,

Mike Barnes

Director Of Marketing

Universal Audio Inc

Matt Hepworth

Master of the UADiverse
Forum Admin
I had a couple projects that were err=21ing all the time. Switched to DX, and it's all working now. However, the mix sounds a bit different - do the DX versions have PDC?


New Member
sonar and Uad-1 studio not working. error 30 buffer mismatch

has anyone expierienced this error i used to get this error while the plugs still worked now no go at all.
my sound card is echo layla 24/96. i have expierienced with different settings for latency and bufffers all to no avail. even in sonar. does anyone here a list of their latency. buffer settings that has uad -1 stable in their DAW. im almost at the point of selling uad cause it will not work stable as it should. other plugins work fine.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
(error 30 buffer mismatch plugin failed to load) this is the error i get :eek:
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