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Established Member
why is the spdif I/O on almost every audio interface limited to 1 set? I think (maybe) I've seen one with 2 sets. Is there something wrong with this format? I bought the digital converter for my Twintrak pro only because my 828MKII is maxed out on analog inputs, the spdif is available still, and my ears dont seem to notice a difference between the MOTU and Focusrite converters.

Is it just me, or should there be a spdif patchbay to go along with the analog ones? All my outboard now has spdif, but it's a pain in the ass to route when the front of the patchbay is at arms reach.

Last question. Why are not some of the latest digital synths equipped with spdif outputs?


Active Member
Nothing really wrong with SPDIF -- i guess its more a matter of what I/O makes sense for a particular application.

A single SPDIF input or output can handle 2 channels worth of audio per connector... It's also \"unbalanced\", and as such it is susceptable to interference that in the end could result in jitter or an otherwise \"noisy\" signal.

Alot of digital outboard gear, from synths to pre's like your TwinTrack, are stereo units... as such, a single set of SPDIF i/o makes sense to get in and out digitally. The only other option -- the 2 channel optical i/o (similar to the ADAT Lightpipe) -- has pretty much been kept soley within the consumer \"hi-fi\" market.

Most multi-channel audio interfaces/converters opt for an ADAT lightpipe style interface, since each plug receptacle is capable of handling 8 channels of audio. Nowadays ligtpipe is cheaper to implement than a bunch of SPDIF i/o's, plus it takes up less space and requires less cable connections. Lightpipe (run through a decent cable) is also probably a little less susceptable to most forms of background interference because light, rather than voltage, is being carried through the cable. The SPDIF i/o on most interfaces is probaby just there as an afterthought to allow connections to other SPDIF equipment (remeber this format was one of the only options in the early days of digital audio), not as a primary means of getting signal in and out...

Upscale interfaces and converters sometimes use the AES/EBU standard for getting in and out of the unit -- these are the ones that look like XLR mic i/o's... This is basically a balanced version of SPDIF, as such it can have longer cable runs without signal loss and is overall less susceptable to interference and noise (think guitar cable versus mic cable analogy).

not sure why newer syths don't have em'... Alot of newer synths may be able to route signals to multiple outs -- in that case lightpipe would make more sense? And some may drop them in lieu of USB connections to interface directly to a computer...

If patching different kind of digital I/O is gettin ya down, go to http://www.z-sys.com and check out their \"Digital Detangler\" product line. Not cheap though...


Active Member
Re: Hmmm...

I bought the digital converter for my Twintrak pro only because my 828MKII is maxed out on analog inputs, the spdif is available still, and my ears dont seem to notice a difference between the MOTU and Focusrite converters.
interesting :)[/quote]

I haven't heard the focusrite converters , but I find the Motu converters just acceptable when used internally clocked . I find quite a difference when using a good external clock[/quote]

Giles117 DP

Active Member
Mike what external clock have you used the motu stuff with. I am looking at grabbing a Big Ben before the year is out


Active Member
Giles117 DP said:
Mike what external clock have you used the motu stuff with. I am looking at grabbing a Big Ben before the year is out
Right now I'm using the Ardvark Ardsync but I will be getting a Lynx Aurora 8 any day now . The Ardsync is a great master clock but it doesn't go higher than 48k . I'm going to try to use the lynx as a master clock for the Motu because I still want (need ) my 32 I/O The Aurora converters are supposed to be great so I will get atleast 8 higher quality conversions . I would have loved to get the Aurora 16 , but I only record real drums once in a while and don't really want to spend alot of money ( This is still just a very serious hobby for me ) . Once I get the Aurora I will probably sell the Ardvark . But I tell you it makes quite a difference , with out it I find the motu converters quite harsh . Motu's converters really arent bad it's just thier clock sucks .

Giles117 DP

Active Member
I have a 2408 Mk3 (1st month out) and I love it compared to bunch of other stuff. The imaging has come into question (A/D imaging that is :) )

I was recomended the Big Ben.

As you can see below, my setup is the 2408, a 24i and soon a Traveler (I need the Cue Mix Bounce Back Feature for bouncing my mixes with all these outboard FX)

I also have 2 Behringer ADA8000 ADAT sync'd to the Motu.

An Inexpensive GOOD clock is an issue for me now.

Ok I am rambling. LOL

I will check out that aardvark. I never track past 48K even though I can go to 96k. Past 48 has never been an issue for me. :)

Giles117 DP

Active Member
Better yet, I'll chek out that Lucid. Price is Totally Right :)


Active Member
Giles117 DP said:
Better yet, I'll chek out that Lucid. Price is Totally Right :)
I don't know how much of a rush your in but if my lynx situation works out nice I will be selling my Ardvark It used to list at $1500 . I picked mine up used from a Ardvark rep for $800. and I would be willing to sell it way cheaper than that to get rid of it providing my situation pans out . If your interested I'm sure we could work something out . I'll have my answer hopefully in a couple of weeks . Lynx just started shipping the Adat card for the Aurora which I sould be recieving shortly ( can't wait )
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