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Stupid Plate 140 Question


Why does the plate effect sound like it's a million miles away ???

Is this plug supposed to be used on an auxillary bus...so as to mix in a dry send?

What did I miss?




Active Member
You can use it completely wet on an aux send or uncheck the red Wet button and mix to taste as a track effect.

Big Harpe

Active Member
Yes, if you use it as an insert simply click off the 'Wet' setting and adjust accordingly.

FYI - The Plate 140 and the Powercore Classicverb are my go-to reverbs always. Nothing sounds as good as these two plugins as far as reverb plugins are concerned, and some hardware units are not even as good. You can't beat the performance vs. cost. Great deal.

Oh yeah, if you use Wavelab you need to run a registry patch. The effect come out fully wet when rendering a file in Wavelab. Running the fix takes care of the problem though, and it is isolated to Plate 140.


tkingen & Big Harpe...

Thanks. Good to know the WaveLab info, as well.

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