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system won't boot after 4.4.0 install

Finally got around to installing 4.4.0 and after reboot my system is hanging.

Win XP Ath x2 4400 2G mem, 1 UAD PCI-e card.

Everything was running fine until I installed 4.4.0.

Managed to boot via \"Last known good config\" but reinstalled 4.4.0 and now can't even get that far.

Safe mode boot w/ cli shows system hanging while loading Mup.sys.

Anyone see anything similar or have troubleshooting advice?


Was able to come up again in \"Last Known Good\" config.

Best I can figure, though it may be coincidental is that I'd managed to have both 4.3.0 and 4.4.0 powered plugins installed. I deleted all the older ones.

Am at work now but will try to boot inr egualr mode again tonight and see if [problem has resolved.

neil wilkes

Venerated Member
MUP.sys is not the file causing the hangup - that will be the last file that actually loaded up properly.
I ran across this once before, and it turned out to be a corrupted boot sector on the HDD.....the drive was going bad and had to be replaced.
(A reformat failed, so did a repair installation of XP)

The boot sector of the drive is the part that gets hit the hardest, and I think your system drive is dying.
Managed to get in via safe mode and ran chkdsk; everything fine.

On a lark I deleted the Sonar public beta vst adapter (i think this and 4.4.0 were squabbling, and I noticed relatd app errors in event viewer) and I've been able to do several reboots without seeing the problem again so far.
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