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TC MD3 Stereo Mastering

cane creek

Established Member
TC MD3 Stereo Mastering anybody using it , I already have the UA precision multi-band & limiter by using the MD3 am i going to notice a big step up in quality ?

I know powercore 2.0 will be released soon so ill be able to test the demo , im just curious who's using it and are they happy with the results they are getting , basically is it worth the big money TC are asking for it.

at the moment im on the fence as £680 is alot of money for a plugin in my situation as im moving into a new house shortly.

Trebor Flow 2

Established Member
To be honest - if I could afford the MD3 - I'd buy it. The Brickwall Limiter is truly fantastic. It's a great package able to give truly professional results - (if you know what your doing and you have a suitable monitoring enviroment) it's genuine quality, is reflected in the price IMHO.


Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
It works well with PEQ & PL, as well.


Why would you need PL if you've got MD3? What am I missing here?

The question for me is: Precision bundle or MD3? OK, so I can't afford either right now, but the MasterX5 just doesn't really produce the results on a complete mix that I'm looking for. (Could be user error with the MX5 though ;))

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
These days, I usually use the following chain in order:


The PEQ & LA2A barely get touched, most of the level comes from PL & most of the tonal balancing & imaging comes from MD3. It would probably be even better to run MD3, once between PL for the multiband & once after for the brickwall, but this chain sounds great so I haven't bothered to experiment.
UAD Bundle Month