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The cutting edge of old Macs....


New Member
Hi all,

My first post here, so my apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.

I was thinking of picking up a Producer Pak in the next few days to put in my ancient but nonetheless capable G4 (a 400MHz XLR8 card in a B/W G3 shell - so a G3/G4 hybrid) alongside an RME 9632.

I didn't see any specific reference to G3s being incompatible with the UAD on the UA site, but I just wanted to make sure.

I know that, having a third-party cpu, I am somewhat rolling the dice, but I wanted to make sure that the *rest* of my Frankenmac would be fine.

Thanks, in advance, lots,


Active Member
When they first came out I used both UAD and Powercore cards in a 9600 (with a G3/500 sonnet upgrade) trouble free for quite awhile.
Compared to that rig you'll be using the \"computer of tomorrow\".
Of course that was with OS9.1 so the comparison may not be valid.


New Member
Well, that's encouraging.

Incidentally, I'm using OSX 10.3.3, but would upgrade if necessary.

Was there anyone out there using an XLR8 upgrade specifically?


New Member
So I decided to pick up one of the cards... and... it works!

The only drag is that I'm using Cubase 1.0, so latency has become a bit of an issue. I might have to get a faster Mac just to update Cubase to at least 2.0....
UAD Bundle Month