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The pops and clicks curse


New Member

I upgraded from PCI-324 to 424, and I'm still experiencing clicks and pops. I hoped that the upgrade would somehow fix it.
I've noticed that it has something to do with \"Live Mode\"
The old \"Live Mode\" bug somehow still haunts my system.
If i use a UAD plug on a audioinstrument track, and the track is rec enabled, my system go crazy with pops and clicks. The same thing happens if I am recording on an audiotrack, with a UAD plug insterted....or if the track i am recording on is routed og send to another UAD plug.

My CPU meter isn't very stable either......sometimes it goes from, say 40% til 100% in no time, for no obvious reason.

I think these problems may be the reason why i'm having problems with Logic quitting unexpected way too often?

Anybody experienced this?

I'm tired.....I just want to make music


Active Member
Lenz said:

I upgraded from PCI-324 to 424, and I'm still experiencing clicks and pops. I hoped that the upgrade would somehow fix it.
I've noticed that it has something to do with "Live Mode"
The old "Live Mode" bug somehow still haunts my system.
If i use a UAD plug on a audioinstrument track, and the track is rec enabled, my system go crazy with pops and clicks. The same thing happens if I am recording on an audiotrack, with a UAD plug insterted....or if the track i am recording on is routed og send to another UAD plug.

My CPU meter isn't very stable either......sometimes it goes from, say 40% til 100% in no time, for no obvious reason.

I think these problems may be the reason why i'm having problems with Logic quitting unexpected way too often?

Anybody experienced this?

I'm tired.....I just want to make music
How many I/O channels do you have on at the moment? That could be an issue if I had to guess.

Also have you every tried lowering the PCI Latency of the UAD in the UAD Performance Meter? That sometimes helps the problem.

Have you tried different PCI slots to see if that helped?

What is the current System Latency? Is it really low? How does the system respond with it set higher?



Active Member
I had the same problem as yours.

tried everything with NO luck.
UAD told me that I have to upgrade from 324 to 424.

Asked MOTU but I didn't get a straight answer.

Then someone told me that even if I buy the 424 the pops exists.

So...450 euros for the upgrade but with NO proof that it will solve my problem!

Finally i spent 900 euros on a ULN-2 and i am very very happy!!!!!!
Works much better with DP 4.61 that motu products.
I even can say that its DA sounds as good as my HEDD 192

Giles117 DP

Active Member
No issues with my 424 and UAD cards, no clicks or pops.


Established Member
did you try reinstalling your operating system? Do you have the pro application support installed? Did you repair disk permissions after each install? Did you check if the pci cards are firm in their pci slots? Did you check if the ram modules are firm in their ram slots? Did you run a hardware test in loop mode?

These are the things I checked when I had problems like yours. For me it turned out to be a ram module that wasn't firm in its slot (though 1 hardware test didn't show any problems) and a bad factory instalation. Somehow the problems only showed with logic. After reinstall everything works great. I'm on LP 7.1 with a G5 dp2.0

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