so in my opinion it's not the best solution. I need and want more dsp-power.
You want more DSP power - buy another card for less than $500 - pay as you go. Buy the power you want, card by card, for a very reasonable price.
I'll tell you why it's hard - because the solution Uaudio have come up with SUCKS. i have 3 cards and I don't want to buy a new computer in the next year so I don't have PCIx. do you think anyone is going to want my UAD pci in 2 years? No. so I will be stuck with 3, not 1, but 3 redundant cards in 2 years. Thanks a lot.
Any computer based gear you buy will have a limited life span - that's a reality you have to wake up to. Just look at ProTools - to keep up, you'd be spending tons of money at regular intervals, which almost all pro studios who use PT do.
UA doesn't have any obligation to you or anyone else to guarantee that you can sell your used gear in several years time. What planet do you live on? Who's going to give you big bucks for your computer in 2-3 years time? Nobody with a brain. So are you bitching at the computer maker too? Complaining is one thing, but making ridiculous statements is just nonsense.
I, and many others, have been expecting NATIVE VERSIONS so when we buy a new very powerful G6 we can run the plug without the cards, or at least have the option. what about Native with Ilok?
Who cares what 'you've' been expecting. UA doesn't revolve around your mind's fantasies, so stop complaining that they didn't fulfil 'your' speculation. That's so lame.
also, UAD already made their profit on cards from me. When MOTU put out their new pcix cards they offered a CHEAP upgrade. with Uaudio all I get is a $100 voucher for plugs??? Which plugs can I buy with $100? what a £*$£*% joke. It is a new way for them to make money from me, offering me a 50% discount on some future plugin, and not any upgrade path at all. It is pathetic.
No, you're pathetic, like the others who are moaning like you. They made their profit and you made music for years and years - that's the deal you bought into - nothing more - nothing less. No company is obligated to offer upgrades on hardware - you can't stay in business long with that model. I'm surprised PT can get away with it for so long.
Sorry if I sound harsh, but this is your first post here and you're bitching up a storm like so many other whiners here, who apparently know very little about business and R&D, etc. The UAD-1 is still a good and fair deal. Just because you and a bunch of others wanted something else from your imaginations, doesn't mean that all of a sudden the UAD-1 is useless or bad. Grow up!
Everybody bitches that they want more power on a single card - go start a company and do it yourself. That's not what UA did or wanted to do for their own reasons. I don't think it's so terrible. The main thing was to make it work on PCIe. They never, ever said they were going to make more powerful cards, so why is everyone dissappointed?
Everyone compares the new SSL Duende - well guess what - for $2,000 MSRP, you get 32 channels of 1 EQ and 1 Compressor. They are great, but it's only \"1\" of the SSL EQ & Compressor x 32.
For $500 x 4 = $2,000 MSRP you get 4 UAD-1 cards that will easily run 32 channels (or more) of a variety of classic, vintage EQs and Compressors. and you can buy new plugs as you wish for a very reasonable price. It's still a great deal by comparison.
It may not be as cheap as the Focusrite Liquid Channel, but let's wait to see how their modeling sounds and how well it holds up over the years, like the UAD-1 has.
Besides, after reading the UA press release, it appears that this new card is the first of a new series, which probably means they will have a more powerful card down the line.