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Thinking of buying the UAD-1 studio pak


New Member
But before I order the studio pak; ARE THERE ANY SERIOUS ISSUES/BUGS? Going to use the \"PAK\" with Logic...(Im about to build a new studio, so feel free to recommend stuff that will give me the optimum UAD-1 performance.... :)


Established Member
If you're just starting out, grab the ULTRA pak, and save yourself some money in the long run.


New Member
NuSkoolTone said:
If you're just starting out, grab the ULTRA pak, and save yourself some money in the long run.
Well, I dont need the mastering tools thats provided with the ultra pak. I just need a reliable system that works in a mixing situation. But thanks anyway... :wink:

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
What version of Logic? What's your computer? What operating system version?


New Member
I´m about to build a new studio and are changing my platform from PC/Sonar to Mac/Logic. Right now I´m looking for a new studio facility to rent, so I´m not buying new software/computer before I´ve found one. I hate waiting to buy, but I can´t store the equipment in my appartment due to lack of space (And I dont think my girlfriend would appreciate it.... :wink: ). If anyone can tell me a thing or two about the UAD-1 system (stability, CPU usage etc, etc), I would appreciate it.
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