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this much latency? for real?


New Member
So just let me know if this is supposed to be this way....cause if it is I think i may need to return this uad at once

At buffer settings as low as 256 i am still getting latency of well over 2000 samples.....

I'm running OS 10.4.5 Protools HD 7.1cs6

latest version of all software

Version 2.0 of the fxpansion vst-->rtas

I for some reason had the understanding that latencies would be 3x what the buffer was set to in protools.....

From the results I'm getting, the latency is over 8x whatever buffer I set in playback engine of protools

Also.....I CANNOT load nigel....i get a \"out of dsp\" error from the uad software everytime......this happens in logic 7.2 as well as protools



New Member
this is really bad.......

i hope this is fixed soon....trying to finish an album here, just dropped $ on ultrapak (1st uad for me) and I cant even use any of the plugs....just don't have the patience

i'm gonna try to call support on monday as well


Active Member
blumediaprojekt said:
So just let me know if this is supposed to be this way....cause if it is I think i may need to return this uad at once

At buffer settings as low as 256 i am still getting latency of well over 2000 samples.....

I'm running OS 10.4.5 Protools HD 7.1cs6

latest version of all software

Version 2.0 of the fxpansion vst-->rtas

I for some reason had the understanding that latencies would be 3x what the buffer was set to in protools.....

From the results I'm getting, the latency is over 8x whatever buffer I set in playback engine of protools

Also.....I CANNOT load nigel....i get a "out of dsp" error from the uad software everytime......this happens in logic 7.2 as well as protools

I don't have PT or any Digi hardware but I can load Nigel in Logic 7.2. with no problem.


New Member
I have just about the same set up as you. Running all of the latest, and getting the same lousy results. I'm really disapointed. I am hoping there is an easy fix......or should I just go get another UAD-1 card and run 2 of them...hee heee.


New Member
I wouldnt even think of buying another uad at this point....if I can barely even use the one I have.....

I really can't wait until I get on the phone with UA tommorow...I'm hoping they tell me something stupid that i've missed and all will be better...

If not, it wont be a problem, cause I kind of wanted an accel card anyways.....


I believe :
The latency is atleast 2x the buffer you've set in the wrapper + the buffer in the session.

not sure.
but no delay compensation in protools is my main reason (+ more audio tracks etc...)for not using it anymore in my studio, i've completely switched to Logic Pro

still some problems but UA is slowly getting on my nerves also.
I want them to release something free again also :)


New Member
so i just got off the phone with KC at UA....... Super good techsupport....

What he told me is that version 2 of the wrapper does not work properly

so I tried the 1.07 included wrapper instead again....

I was able to get the delay down to 3x the buffer size.... At 256 this still induces 768 samples of delay...... still what I consider to be an unusable amount..... When I have 256 set as the protools buffer size, most of my other rtas plugs induce either 0 or few samples of delay

too bad, looks like a possible return for me :(


Active Member
Any latency is just sick and wrong. Before ditching the UAD (IMO the finest set of plugs on the market) perhaps you should give some thought to upgrading to a full featured DAW.

I believe the lack of ADC in Pro Tools \"Lite\" is in part to encourage users to upgrade to the \"pro\" level version. I have the 'full\" HD ProTools set up here with ADC but the cost was upwards of 10k.
My other rig runs DP 4.61, has as many features including ADC and cost hundreds as opposed to thousands. I actually prefer the Motu software.
I believe Logic also has ADC and I'm sure there's other choices as well.


Active Member
I second that opinion.

After working with PTools TDM only for a long while, I chose an all UAD-1/MOTU setup for my personal studio.
I had the option of taking out a loan and going HD but couldn't see the benefit.
I run 4 UAD-1s and Digital Performer.
Things are great and getting better with every update.
UAD Bundle Month