and the best way to get levels perfect in a mix........
10 Steps to improving the way you listen
(given that you've recorded all tracks with appropriate levels)
1] compress every instrument, even vocals, with the same compressor and same compressor settings (fast attack + fast release for this exercise)
2] bring all faders to approximately 60%
3] close your eyes but imagine that you are looking straight at the center of your mix, playback at a level louder than what you typically use, and listen to 10 seconds of a busy section of the song keeping mental notes of distance, front and back, side to side of each instrument
4] stop playback, open eyes, remember what the purpose of the song is and uncompress the tracks that seemed too far away, leaving the remainder compressed
5] hand on spacebar, close eyes, go.......again, listen for this change in space between the tracks and how quickly they come at you as opposed to earlier when they all came at you with nearly identical response
6] 20 seconds of listening this time then stop playback, open eyes, and reverse the process of enabling/disabling compressors as in step 4
7] give your section one more listen for 30 seconds (patience)
8] by this time, you have made mental notes of what needs to be changed strictly devoted to the space, response (quick or slow response), and lastly volume
9] EQing after compression can give more presence to your track, but if you're a rock engineer, you'll probably want every instrument to sit in it's spot except for the vocal (which can easily have EQ+comp+EQ+more comp...)
10] after you've spent about 10 minutes with a decent mix, push all tracks up to approximately 85%, throw a compressor with fast release and slow attack on the main buss, slowly decreasing the release (making it slower) and listen again for:
- space front and back
- response time
- overall equalization
if you can't learn anything about how you mix or record your tracks from these 10 steps, you might want to consider selling gear instead of using it